Write a discussion of 150 words
- Read the article “Misleading Data Visualizations Can Confuse, Deceive Learners” https://www.learningsolutionsmag.com/articles/misleading-data-visualizations-can-confuse-deceive-learners
- Locate a data visualization from a news media outlet (newspaper, news magazine, news website, etc.) that represents one of the flaws discussed in this article. This may be a graph, chart or other form of visual data representation. (You cannot use one that is in the article!)
- Post (or link) the misleading visualization to your discussion board so the rest of your group members can see. (If you link, double check to make sure the link works!)
- Explain in a few sentences which of the flaws from the article this visualization contains and how/why the visualization is misleading. Do you think the author intentionally intended to mislead readers? Why or why not?
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