In the late 19th century, psychology emerged as a discipline distinct from philosophy, accompanied by increased efforts to measure and classify human behavior. Psychological testing is one way to measure psychological constructs and behavior. The creation of psychological tests has been fueled by the need for mental health diagnosis and for occupational, educational, and military selection. The invention of new statistical techniques, such as factor analysis and item response theory, has led to improvements in the structure and utility of tests.

To prepare for this Discussion, select two events from the timeline of tests and measurement history. Research the events you selected and consider how they influenced the development of tests and measurement.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the two historical events you chose. Explain how these historical events influenced the development of tests and measurement. Then, choose one of the two events and describe a historical example of test misuse and the consequences related to the event.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Zero plagiarizing Quote work, APA format,’s

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