Part A.

Conflict on projects can’t be avoided. Conflict can arise from a number of situations. It is the responsibility of the Project Manager and the project team members to address conflict so it does not negatively affect the project.

As your team is planning for the luncheon, it is obvious a number of team members are at odds with one another over where the event should be held and what activities should be offered. The conflict has stifled the progress of the project. Review the five approaches to resolving conflict offered by Blake/Mouton and Kilman/Thomas.

  • Discuss how you would address this scenario using one or more of the approaches offered. Explain why the selected approach or approaches would be most appropriate for the existing conflict. Additionally, discuss the project manager’s role in addressing this situation.

Part B.

This term you will be working in a group with some of your peers. The objective is for you all to work together as an effective project team to complete a project for the course. This task may present some challenges because everyone comes from diverse backgrounds. You could potentially encounter a peer who fails to communicate regularly, or someone who neglects their responsibilities, or someone who constantly fails to observe timelines. Whatever challenges surface, the expectation is for the team to operate as an effective project team. The end objective is the successful completion of the course project.

  • Before we officially start working in the teams, identify what you will do to eliminate the barriers to being an effective project team. Describe the responsibilities of the project manager as they relate to making sure the team is working in an effective manner. What top three (3) skills should a project manager possess that will aid in the success of the project team?

At least 250 words each part…thanks

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