Choose a topic and set of 3 sources below. You will review 3 websites/pages for each topic. Carefully examine each web source listed for the topic. There are 3 pages on the pdf, one for each web source.
Download the Source Evaluation Questions pdf to determine which source is more factual and reliable and which are biased or unreliable. (You must download the pdf to fill it in and save it. If you fill it out in the web browser window, it won’t save your answers. You’ll upload the completed pdf to THIS assignment link on Canvas)
NOTE: There is at least one unreliable source in each topic set.
1. THE IMMIGRATION PROCESS – Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?
- http://now8news.com/illegal-criminals-go-free/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis (Links to an external site.)
- https://cis.org/ (Links to an external site.)
2. TOBACCO USE AMONG AMERICAN TEENS Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_and_health (Links to an external site.)
- http://now8news.com/trump-raising-age-limit-tobacco-consumption-25-years-age/ (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/24/health/tobacco-social-media-smoking.html (Links to an external site.)
3. PEDIATRIC PRACTICE IN AMERICA – Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?
- https://www.acpeds.org/ (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.aap.org (Links to an external site.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pediatrics (Links to an external site.)
4. WHAT’S IN OUR FAST FOOD? Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?
- https://www.restaurantdive.com/news/fast-food-significantly-saltier-more-caloric-than-30-years-ago-report-f/549521/ (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.buzznick.com/gross-fast-food-facts/ (Links to an external site.)
- http://dailybuzzlive.com/mcdonalds-just-recalled-1-million-chicken-nuggets-the-reason-why-will-sicken-you/ (Links to an external site.)
5. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE – Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?
- https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/02/10/1632335/-Climate-Crisis-North-Pole-Temp-is-50-F-Above-Normal-amp-Arctic-Sea-Ice-Volume-is-Collapsing (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.epa.gov/climate-research (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.chevron.com/corporate-responsibility/climate-change
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