Children entering into a developmental preschool program might have delays in the area of oral communication. Many parents find themselves uneducated about how to help their youngsters in this area. Part 1: Brochure Create a brochure that can be shared with parents as well as general education teachers that describes: Developmental milestones in the area of oral communication for children birth to 8 years old. Two strategies for children aged birth through Pre-K that would embed learning opportunities that encourage communication in everyday routines, relationships, activities, and places for the home setting. Three strategies for children aged Birth-Pre-K that would embed learning opportunities that encourage communication in everyday routines, relationships, activities, and places, inside the classroom. Four strategies that can be used to encourage oral communication development for Birth-Pre-K students with exceptionalities; 2 for children with disabilities and 2 for children with giftedness. Make sure to include both a home strategy and a classroom strategy for children with disabilities and for children with giftedness. Two services available in the community for birth through Pre-K children and their families related to developing oral communication and literacy. Support your information with 3-5 scholarly resources. Part 2: Reflection In a 250-300 word reflection, discuss why it is important to have information related to developmental milestones for oral communication available for parents. Additionally, explain the validity of the information you placed in the brochure. Submit your brochure and reflection as two separate deliverables.
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