Wing assembly (6/8 Marks): Generate the new wing structure assembly based on the assembly drawing attached (i.e.: WSA-A001_Wing_Structure_Assembly).
- – Students must generate full wing assembly using the combination of the parts they created and the parts provided with this assignment (i.e. Rear Wing Channel, MiddleRib 1 and Rear Rib)
- – All components must be fully constrained (i.e. Block 6 DOF).
- – Save the assembly file as WSA-YourStudentID.3dxml.
Complete assembly (2/8 Marks): Create the new full assembly of the T240 based on theassembly drawing attached (i.e.: CA-A001_Complete_T240_Assembly
- – The wing structure must be added as a sub-assembly.
- – The left wing must be created using assembly features tools in assembly designworkbench.
- – The provided CAD components (i.e.; fuselage, stabilizer, etc.) must be re-dimensioned to your scale factor prior to the assembly.
- – All components must be fully constrained (i.e. Block 6 DOF).
- – Save the assembly file as CA-YourStudentID.3dxml.3. Free Design (2 Marks)
Free Design: Modify the T-240 aircraft structure to demonstrate how you would perceive the new metal wing to be attached. Schematically describe the assembly/disassembly steps for the components added to this stage. Save the file as FD- YourStudentID.pdf.
Note: A tension strut brace must be included.
I will upload the rest of the attachments.
17 hours ago
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