Learning Objective

  • Describe the role of access control in information systems, and identify and discuss the four fundamental functions of access control systems


Review the website, https://towardsdatascience.com/what-is-a-decision-tree-22975f00f3e1 (Links to an external site.), and create a decision tree based on the following case. For one month, Paul was supposed to collect information on his decision-making process in granting loans at Pau Daunk Bank so that Ginger and Saurabh could use that information to create an expert system. Although Paul did make records of his decisions and criteria, the information was incomplete. Help Ginger and Saurabh make sense of his limited information and create a decision tree. They figured out that Paul grouped people into age categories of: 0 – 29, 30 – 55, 56 and older. He also grouped loan amount granted into categories of $5,000; $7,500; $10,000. Create a report explaining your decision tree.

Attached the images having the details of people.

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