The treatment of forensic populations, as with any clinical population, must be tailored to the individuals as well as to their mental illness. There are specific treatment protocols for particular mental illnesses. These treatment protocols need to be paired with individuals based on the unique traits of the individuals and augmented with particular treatment approaches. Forensic treatment practitioners are required to treat a wide variety of mental illnesses ranging from serious personality disorders and psychotic conditions to suicidal and parasuicidal behaviors. In order to treat mentally ill offenders effectively, the forensic treatment practitioner needs to have a thorough understanding of basic mental health disorders and treatments as well as a solid working knowledge of the forensic setting and system. Additionally, treatment professionals must be well versed in the process of psychotherapy and other treatment approaches for the mentally ill. Many traditional counseling and therapy theories and approaches used with clinical clients are also appropriate for mentally ill offenders (e.g., empathy, unconditional positive regard, and genuineness). However, forensic settings are not conventional treatment settings and may require special considerations. Hence, there are many challenges forensic treatment practitioners face in the treatment of mentally ill offenders. To prepare for this Assignment: Select a type of offender from the Case Studies document found in this week’s resources, and consider his/her history and mental illness. Select a treatment approach you think would best address the mental illness of the offender you selected, and think about why you selected this case study. Select two challenges related to the treatment of mentally ill offenders in a forensic setting. Think about the steps you would take to overcome these challenges. Finally, consider what treatment approach(es) best addresses these challenges. The Assignment (3 pages): Describe the case study you selected along with the mental illness exhibited by the offender. Explain the treatment approach you selected that would be effective with this mentally ill offender and why you chose this approach. Be specific. Explain at least two challenges related to the treatment of mentally ill offenders in a forensic setting. Then, explain the steps you would take to overcome these challenges. Briefly describe the treatment approach(es) you think best addresses the challenges you identified, and why. Be specific. APA Formated, with APA citations. At least 3 References.
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