At the first meeting of the digital learning e-marketing initiative team (D-LIT), individual members are asked to develop a presentation with notes that graphically conveys the shared marketing fundamentals between the traditional marketing approach and the e-marketing applications.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that explains your vision about the way you wish to integrate MedEd and CHC by covering the following areas:

  • Explain your marketing plan for your vision of the future MedEd/CHC, covering the following marketing planning stages:
    • Mission
    • Critical Analysis/SWOT
    • Target Market Sought
    • Value Proposition(s)/University Brand Image(s) Desired
    • Marketing Mix Specifics that Support Value Proposition(s)/University Brand Image(s) Desired
  • Explain how your e-business’s online vision constitutes a profitable e-business model.
  • Explain how your e-business’s online vision contributes to e-commerce as a part of societal network infrastructure for health care informational exchanges.

For more information on creating PowerPoint presentations, please visit the Microsoft Office Applications Lab.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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