This week you have read about nursing organizations, political activism and advocacy, and understanding health care systems. Which are all important parts of nursing excellence. For this assignment, you need to select two of the organizations presented in the lecture (PowerPoint) and provide the following information for each organization (in your own words): The two I have chosed from the lecture are, Quality Safety and Education for Nurses (QSEN) and the National League of Nursing (NLN)
- What is the purpose of the organization?
- What impact does the organization have on nursing practice?
- How does the organization play a role in nursing education?
- How does the organization play a role in nursing research?
- What part of Nursing Excellence does the organization provide? Political activism? Advocacy? Resource for Health care system?
- Would you provide support to the organization as a nurse? Why or Why not?
- Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.
Words Limits
- Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)
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