Textbook: Dimensions of Long-Term Care Management(2nd Edition) Edit edition pages 108-109

The Team Case Analysis will be worth 120 points. Read through the attached document to see what information you need and the requirements for the PowerPoint Presentation.

To earn you the most points available, you must answer the questions, participate, and contribute to the overall assignment. Your assignment should be free of spelling and grammar issues, and your work (I will review safe assign scores of over 40% to determine plagiarism). The assignment will be due on October 16, 2019 by 11:59 pm CST. Upload your Microsoft PowerPoint document to Blackboard in the “Assignments” tab. All groups will present virtually on October 18, 2019 (see syllabus) the time may be extended. If you have any questions, please post your question(s) in the Q&A Discussion Board Forum.

How to Write a Case Analysis:

When creating your analysis of the case, it is important to remember that cases have a key focus. It is this focus that should drive your analysis. The PowerPoint presentation should be 10-20 slides, in APA format. Include figures to support discussion points, if applicable. Your research should be conducted using online articles and make sure to pull support from your textbook. All research must be cited using APA format. Remember your sources/references should be from reliable sources such as journals located in databases (TSU library).

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