DECO2500/7250 – Sample questions – Set 1 1. What is the best description of a conceptual model? a. A high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates b. Interaction paradigms and interaction modes c. A diagram showing the mental model of the user and the system image d. The problem space faced by the designer when gathering user requirements. 2. Which statement best reflects interaction design? a. Interaction design is a new discipline b. Interaction design is multidisciplinary c. Interaction design combines the disciplines of software engineering and psychology d. Interaction design is an application of common sense. 3. What are the elements of the Gulf of Execution ? a. Information processing elements involved in working out what the system did b. Information processing elements involved in working out how to interact with the system c. Forming intentions, specifying right action, selecting appropriate interface mechanism. d. Processing the interface, interpreting interface information, and assessing information meaning. 4. How do recent approaches to “embodied interaction” differ from earlier accounts of the role of cognition in human­computer interaction? a. Accounts of interaction focus on the cognitive activity of multiple individuals, not just one individual b. Accounts of interaction support cognitive strategies such as annotating and cognitive tracing. c. Accounts of interaction put greater emphasis on how emotions are embodied in people. d. Accounts of interaction are more grounded in the ways people experience the world through physical interaction. 5. What was an important early drawback of the Clearboard system by Ishii et al. (1993). a. It required people to move to a dedicated video conferencing facility at their workplace b. As people moved closer to the board to talk with a remote colleague, the video system no longer picked them up c. People found it uncomfortable to interact “looking down” at a colleague. d. All of the above. 6. According to Quintanar (1982) how do users rate an interface/system that gives them personalised feedback? a. They rate it as more honest b. They rate it as less honest c. They rate it as more likeable d. They rate it as less likeable. 7. What is a principal limitation of multimedia as a means for presenting educational material, according to Rogers and Aldrich (1996)? a. Learners may fixate on just one medium, such as text, and not process further information available in other media. b. Learners may hop between media and only partially process the information in each one c. Learners may feel that they are being patronised d. Learners may need tools to help them keep track of the information with which they have and have not yet engaged. 8. Which of the following options best represents the core values of user­centred design, as originally articulated by Gould & Lewis (1985)? a. Focusing on users and their tasks in the design process b. Measuring progress towards usability goals throughout development c. Developing and testing in several cycles d. All of the above. 9. When conducting an investigation with human participants for research or commercial reasons, which provision(s) for consent must be made? a. Approval of the research by a properly constituted ethics committee independent of the researchers b. Participants informed they do not have to take part if they do not want to c. Participants fully informed of their right to withdraw from the investigation without consequences to them d. All of the above. 10. How did Buchenau and Suri (2000) use “experience prototyping” in a study described in Rogers et al. (2011)? a. They built a game prototype that broke accessibility rules to make it frustrating for anyone to use b. They built a “third age empathy suit” to help designers experience the loss of mobility and sensory perception in the elderly c. They used contextual design meetings to get different people’s perspectives on the prototype d. Thei…

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