WiLD WooD Apartments 3-2 The managers at Wild Wood Apartments are anxious to see some progress on their database. They have answered your questions and now want to see some results. They really want the new database to be in place before the beginning of the new fiscal year in July. It is time to design the database. To do 1. Review all the requirements and business rules. 2. Define your entities and attributes and the relations that Exist between them. 3. Create a logical model using crow’s feet notation in Visio or hand draw it on graph paper if you prefer. 4. Add all the entities and their attributes. You don’t need to worry about data types for now. 5. Identify the key fields for each entity and the foreign keys. 6. Analyze the diagram. Identify which role (i.e., domain, linking, lookup, or weak) each entity plays in your database. 7. Have another student or a group review it for the following: a. Are all the major components of the Wildwood Apartments business model represented by domain entities? b.         Does each entity contain the appropriate attributes to fully describe it and meet the business rules you have gathered so far? c.         Does every entity have an appropriate primary key defined? d. Are all many-to-many relationships resolved into one-to-many relationships by linking tables? e.         Are the relationships valid (no cross relationships)? Is the appropriate entity is defined as the one side of a one-to-many relationship? Do the tables have appro- priate foreign keys? Also check for other such issues. (Conger 79) f.          Are lookup tables used for attributes that have a set list of values? 8. Documentation: Be sure to store your ERDs in your database notebook. (Conger 79) 4-1 Scenario Activity: Database Design ——–Please see below Based on your selected scenario from Hands-On Database , complete the “To Do” activities described at the end of Chapters 6 and 7 of the textbook. Your response should be submitted as a Word document. Wild Wood Apartments Chapter 6 You have completed the designs for the apartment management database. You reviewed it and all the business rules with the owners, and they are eager to proceed. Now you need to take your design and translate it into an actual database. Once you have done that, you know that you will need to enter data to test the database, to make sure it does, in fact, store all the required data. 1. Review your diagram for the database, making sure that the design is complete and normalized. 2. Create the database in SQL Server. 3. Create the tables in the new database, selecting appropriate data types for the columns, setting a primary key for each table, and setting allow nulls as appropriate. (Conger 123) 4. Create a database diagram, and create the relationships among tables. 5. Add some sample data to each table. 6. Documentation: Make a data dictionary that lists each table, all the columns for that table, and the data types for each column. (Conger 124) The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use. Chapter 7 Now that the basic database is in place, the Wild Wood Apartments managers are eager to see the database in action and see if it meets all their needs and requirements. It is time to look at the business rules and test them with some SQL. Look at the business rules you developed previously, and design some SQL queries to test them. Documentation: Set up a test plan. List the rule, the SQL you wrote, and the results. Also note whether the database passes or fails the test. Your queries should include the following: • Two or three simple SELECTs with various WHERE criteria. • Two or three queries using aggregate functions. • At least two queries that use joins. •            Two or three INSERT statements. •One or two UPDATEs and/or a DELETE. 6-1 Scenario Activity: Is It Secure? Based on your selected scenario from Hands-On Database , complete the “To Do” activities described at the end of …

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