Patient Demographics As a data steward, you have been asked to create a Microsoft Access database to store patient demographics. Once you have created the database, you must write policies to govern how the data should be collected, stored, and shared. Use search tools to help you write your policies. Part-1: Create Your Access Database Be sure to include the following demographic elements in your database: Patient First Name Patient Last Name Patient Middle Initial Street Address State Zip Code Phone number Social Security Number Birthdate Gender Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Number Primary Physician Once you have created the database with the patient demographic elements, provide fictitious information for 3 patients for each element. Part-2: Create Your Policy and Procedure Document In a Microsoft Word document, create a Policy and Procedure document to govern the collection, storage, and sharing of data. For your convenience, a blank policy and procedure template is provided below. Download: Policy and Procedure Template attached Be sure proper APA formatting is followed and that your assignment is free of spelling and grammar errors.
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