Lesson 4 Project Research/Preparation

Instructions: You will continue working on your final research proposal.

For this week, you will be submitting the following elements: data collection methods, analysis, and references.

Data Collection Methods

1 pages

Answer every question under “Data Collection Methods” in the “Research Proposal” section in Chapter 1. Think about what you learned this week about field research and interviewing as you write this section.

Data Collection Methods

How will you actually collect the data for your study? Will you observe behavior directly or conduct a survey? Will you undertake field research, or will you focus on the reanalysis of data already collected by others? Criminal justice research often includes more than one such method.


1 pages

Answer every question under “Analysis” in the “Research Proposal” section in Chapter 1.


Briefly describe the kind of analysis you plan to conduct. Spell out the purpose and logic of your analysis. Are you interested in precise description? Do you intend to explain why things are the way they are? Will you analyze the impact of a new program? What possible explanatory variables will your analysis consider, and how will you know whether you’ve explained the program impact adequately?

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