Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts and examine your cultural differences. Based upon the response of your peer, propose some ways you might differentiate for learning profile his or her culture. Explain how your suggested differentiated instructional approach would benefit his or her learning. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor. By: melissa When I observed the six continua of cultural tendencies and beliefs, I noticed that each belief there was a strong pull to one side except for one. I always wear my heart on my sleeve and care a lot about people’s feelings and opinions. Also, I always have felt that things happen for a reason and I completely believe in fate, however; I feel that people can determine their fate. So Internal and External locus of control were the only continua that I was in the middle. Due to my results, I hope it will make me a compassionate and understanding teacher but a teacher that believes that the students control their future! Kajitanis 3 steps for introducing curriculum in the classroom is understanding what ethnicity is, how It is culture is formed and how to implement it in the classroom.Following these steps will educate me on what ethnicity is and how it is formed. Also, it will help me to understand just how I can ensure that I provide a culturally appropriate lesson and classroom. Ensuring that you get to know your student’s background and culture and ensuring I follow Kajitanis steps will make sure that will be able to differentiate my classroom appropriately. Providing a get to know you survey, a drawn picture of each student’s family and including diverse classroom activities will allow me to differentiate successfully. Each culture is different, and each child’s home life is different so each child may learn differently or have access to different materials. So what works for one child may be difficult for another based on their cultures or beliefs. Kajitani, A. (2014). Owning it: Proven strategies for success in all of your roles as a teacher today (2nd ed.). United States: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. Sousa, D. A., Tomlinson, C. A., & Ann, T., Carol (2010). Differentiation and the Brain: How Neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts and examine your cultural differences. Based upon the response of your peer, propose some ways you might differentiate for learning profile his or her culture. Explain how your suggested differentiated instructional approach would benefit his or her learning. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor. By; Latifa Riddick-Chapman Take a moment to reflect on how your own culture influences your learning. How do you like to learn and how might culture influence this learning preference? Take a look at Figure 7.1 and share where you fall on the six continua of cultural tendencies and beliefs. Based on your results, how might it influence the way you teach? I would like to think of myself as a bodily kinesthetic and interpersonal person. I say this because I have always been able to walk in any room and verbally connect with who was in that room. I understand a lot better when things are well put and spoken to me. Referring to the figure 7.1 I believe I’m a fewer shared experience type of person. “People are individualistic” “Words carry meaning” “It is important to be explicit” Understanding that cultural relevance is fundamental to the teacher and learner’s success I take a great interest in cultural competence (Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011). This will influence the way I teach because of the diversity I’ll be introduced to. Apart of being effective when identifying with groups is knowing your background and the importance of it. In Chapter 9, Kajitani (2013) describes three different ways to begin introducing a c…

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