You have been identified as one of the perfect people to contribute to the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of a new Center for Creativity and Innovation. The Center for Creativity and Innovation is the brainchild of this diverse group of sponsors:

Mohed Altrad is a Syrian-born Bedouin and now French businessman

Brené Brown has spent her career studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy

Rhiannon Giddens is a MacArthur “Genius” Fellow noted for her drive to understand and convey the nuances, complexities, and interrelationships between musical traditions.

Jessica Opoku is an inspirational speaker and founder of Women with Passion and Purpose

Joel Salatin is an American farmer, lecturer, and author who uses holistic management methods of animal husbandry

Jay Shetty is a former monk, a digital strategist, a motivational speaker, and lifestyle vlogg

Research each of these individuals to understand their passions, ideologies, and interests for the Center for Creativity and Innovation. Find out more about the people who are sponsoring this undertaking, because anything they have in common or anything that is strikingly unique about them is likely to have something to do with how they would like the Center for Creativity and Innovation to be designed and managed; i.e., their passions and ideas should contribute significantly to all aspects of the Center, including the “culture, environment, ethics, and social responsibility” of the Center.

Now the scenario to answer the question
Royal Dutch Shell has been in business, in one form or another, for over 500 years. But in the last 100 years, the average lifespan of a company listed in the Standard and Poor’s Index has decreased by more than 50 years in the last century. In the 1920s, the average lifespan of a company on the S&P Index was 67 years. Today it is just 15 years. While there are many reasons and explanations for this phenomenon, a stagnant culture and an inability to adapt to an increasingly dynamic and ever-changing environment is certainly a pertinent consideration.

  • Look closely at those who survive and you are likely to see an emphasis on creativity, innovation, and reinvention. How will your the Center for Creativity and Innovation embody and impart this knowledge?

    divide your paper with these subheadings: Culture, Environmental Factors, Ethics, and Social Responsibility and answer these questions

    1. Culture — How will you define the undergirding culture of the Center for Creativity and Innovation? Why? What will contribute primarily and secondarily to the definition? Why?
    2. Environmental Factors — What environmental factors must be taken into consideration? Why?
    3. Ethics — How will the ethics of the Center be defined? Why? What will contribute primarily and secondarily to the definition of ethics? Why?
    4. Social Responsibility — How and to what extent will the Center be defined as a socially responsible organization? Why? What will contribute primarily and secondarily to the definition of social responsibility? Why?

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