Write a paper in which you reflect on your own cultural competence and analyze areas where you could improve your cultural diversity skills. In addition, analyze the relationship among culture, leadership, and teamwork and explore the ways communication can be muddled due to cultural differences. The paper should be a minimum of seven pages in length.

As a health care leader, you will work with people from different countries, different backgrounds, and with different beliefs. It is important that you respect and understand patients, employees, physicians, and all stakeholders who are different from you. Meanwhile, you must operate in an environment of dynamic change while striving to exceed the standards of care that patients deserve.

Before you begin this assessment, complete the Culture, Diversity, and Out-Groups in Leadership media activity.

This assessment has two parts.

For this assessment, use the  APA Paper Template [DOCX]  to write a 7–10 page paper that responds to the following:

Part 1: Cultural Competence Self-Reflection

· Discuss the results of your Culture, Diversity, and Out-Groups in Leadership cultural diversity assessment.

· What was your score?

· Were you surprised by the results?

· Discuss areas where you could improve your cultural diversity skills.

· Discuss at least two areas of improvement that you would like to focus on over the next year.

· What potential benefits will you have in your career by improving in these areas?

· What plans do you have to ensure you are making progress toward improvement?

Part 2: Analysis of Culture, Leadership, and Teamwork

· Analyze the relationship between cultural competence and teamwork and collaboration.

· Distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.

· Why is it important for a health care leader to understand each of these areas?

· Explain how verbal and nonverbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.

· What are the potential impacts of these misunderstandings?

· How can a health care leader minimize these misunderstandings?

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