Answer THREE of the following questions in ONE-TWO paragraphs each. Be sure to cite your sources using the author’s last name and page numbers. Total word count: 650
Chapter 1: One aspect of globalization is uneven development. Explain what this means and how it affects the world. Provide an example. (chapter 1)
Chapter 2. Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937) described hegemony as one of two primary aspects of power. Define hegemony and provide at least two concrete examples of how it serves as a form of power. What is the second aspect of power that Gramsci described and how does it differ from hegemony? Which of the two aspects of power do you believe is likely to be more effective and why? (Chapter 2)
Chapter 3: Discuss Horace Miner’s article “Body Rituals among the Nacirema.” What is the subject of the ethnography? What was Miner’s purpose in writing it, and how did he approach that purpose? (Keep in mind it is satire). (Chapter 3)
Chapter 4: Explain some of the theories used in describing the relationship between language and thought. What do these theories suggest about the human brain and our use of language? How does Laura Bohannan’s example of trying to translate Shakespeare for the Tiv tell us about how language informs our worldview, or vice versa? (Chapter 4)
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