IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW THIS PAGE TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS. An organization can use a(n) ________________ to provide secure and safe access to individuals who work for a different organization, but require company data. Which of the following is not a benefit of a connection-oriented system, like a circuit-switched telephone system? __________ are computer hosts that have software installed that enable them to request and display the information obtains from a server. Which of the following is not a specific feature of a WAN? _________________________ identify devices, ports, and IP addressing schemes. The Internet is a conglomerate of networks and is owned by the United States. __________________________ involves increased priority for production control or business transaction data. Traditional learning methods provide which two sources of expertise from which the student can obtain information? A(n) ____________ forwards data packets to and receives data packets from the Internet Which mode is used to configure one of the physical or virtual lines? ____________________ is a method for remotely establishing a CLI session of a device, through a virtual interface, over a network. What command is used on a Windows PC at the command prompt to display the computers IP configuration setttings? According to the textbook, when a banner is used on an IOS device, it should always welcome someone to the device as its first statement. What CLI shortcut completes the remainder of a partially typed command or keyword? The Delete key (the key normally used to erase characters to the right of the cursor) is not recognized by terminal emulation programs. What type of connection to a Cisco IOS switch is used to make the initial configuration? Which protocol receives message segments from the transport layer, packages them into packets, and addresses them for end-to-end delivery over an internetwork? The TCP/IP protocol suite does not specify which protocols to use when transmitting over a physical medium. The ___________ model is the most widely known internetwork reference model. _______________________ is the term used to refer to the PDU at the Transport layer of the TCP/IP model. A group of inter-related protocols necessary to perform a communication function is called a(n) ____________. ___________ is the process used by a receiving device to remove one or more of the protocol headers. Is the binary number 10101011 odd or even? What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 119? What is the binary equivalent of the hexadecimal number AA? What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 01000000? What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 65? What is the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number A0? Bits are encoded on fiber as ___________________________. What type of connector is used to terminate UTP cables? The _________________ layer controls how data is transmitted onto the physical media by encoding the binary digits that represent data into signals. _________________________ is a transmission technique in which the amplitude of the carrier varies in accordance with the signal. ______________ stipulates the commercial cabling standards for LAN installations and is the standard most commonly used in LAN cabling environments. ____________________________ is popular in long-distance situations spanning hundreds of kilometers such as required in long-haul telephony and cable TV applications. A(n) _______________ transmission of data exists when data signals are sent along with a clock signal that occurs at evenly spaced time durations. What type of connector is usually used to terminate a UTP cable? _________ is a logical interface on a switch associated with a virtual local-area network (VLAN). A _______________________ MAC address is the unique address used when a frame is sent from a single transmitting device to a single destination device. Whic…
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