1.Read “Why We Crave Horror Movies” (Links to an external site.), “Monstrous Beginnings”,My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern… (Links to an external site.)”, (Links to an external site.) & “Fear of the Monster is Really a Kind of Desire” in Monsters: A Bedford Spotlight Reader

2. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXBU0X_LuQI

3. Write your own argumentative analysis of why you think humans create monsters with two clear examples and at least TWO quotes from the readings.

  • Please write this as an argument with the argument statement being the last sentence of the intro
  • Support coming in the middle paragraphs
  • The conclusion wrapping up your ideas
  • Should be 500+ words
  • Please include an in-text citation and Works Cited for any material you quote or paraphrase
  • Please include an in-text citation and Works Cited for any material you quote or paraphrase

4. Please make sure your response takes an argument stance, use 3rd person, and incorporates at least two quotes with proper MLA citation and Works Cited.

Critical Thinking Challenge Requirements


Challenge Requirements:

Ø 500+ words

Ø Hav: Name, Class, Date, Assignment, and Topic in the upper left-hand corner.

Ø A title that is not GENERIC

Ø Typed

Ø Final turned in to turnitin.com

Ø A works cited is required for all outside research & Sources

Ø Use The Easy Writer to help with citations or OWL Purdue

1. A thesis statement or controlling idea that takes a stand

2. Transitional topic sentences that are clear, provocative, and develop your thesis and provide unity in your essay

3. Body paragraphs that address the research questions

4. Some analysis of all your project

5. Strong sentences that are both grammatically correct and sophisticated

6. Use proper MLA formatting, in-text citations, and Works Cited entries. NOT having proper MLA citations will result in a 0/100 on the assignment.

7. Write in 3rdperson NOT first person.


Critical Thinking Challenge #1
Criteria Ratings Pts

Assignment Requirements

10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts


10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good work

7 pts

Needs Work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts


10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts


10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts


10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts


10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts


10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts


10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts

Grammar and Sentence Variety

10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

6 pts

Expectations not met

0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 pts

MLA Citation & Formatting

10 pts

Exceeds Expectations

9 pts


8 pts

Good Work

7 pts

Needs work

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