Read the following articles, provided in this week’s Learning Resources:

  • “The Essence of Nursing: It’s Time to Put Basic Nursing Care Back in the Spotlight” (Fitzpatrick, 2015)
  • The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (Institute of Medicine, 2010)

QUESTION 1 Post a 2-paragraph response (of at least 350 words) to one of the options below.

Option 1

As a result of its deliberations, the IOM committee formulated four key messages to support efforts to improve the health of the U.S. population through the contributions nurses can make to the delivery of care. Provide one or more examples of how you or a colleague has practiced one or more of the IOM recommendations to take the lead effectively or be in charge of an issue or patient rather than just “being at the table.”


Option 2

Fitzpatrick (2015) describes how certain characteristics and competencies set nursing and nurses apart from other professions and practitioners. Describe how your nursing practice and ethical decision-making skills have furthered the quality and safety of patient care.


Post a minimum 150-word journal entry. Journal about one aspect of the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you. Additionally, journal about one or both of the options below:

Option 1

What concerns do you have about managing distractions and obtaining the support you need to be successful? Include how you plan to make certain that you have support, and how you will take personal responsibility for your own success.


Option 2

What study rituals are you putting in place, and how will these rituals help you focus and decrease distractions? Share your plan to develop rituals to help you transition into the role of Walden student.

This is a private area for you to share your feelings. There are no rules and you will not be graded on writing.

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