Answer each question minimum 300 words. Must use provided material (PDF book) along with (2) other sources to help answer questions. Reference/site in APA format. Here is the reference for the PDF: Karmen, A. (2016). Crime victims: an introduction to victimology (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. WILL EXTEND TIME LIMIT ADDITIONAL 6 HOURS IF NEEDED.

1.) Use the internet to research your state’s (Mississippi) proposed or recently passed laws that have been named in honor of crime victims. In narrative format, detail the legislation, the victim’s story and whether this legislation offers anything specific – other that stepped-up punishment to ease the victim’s plight. If you have difficulty within your state, you may use a surrounding state to research.

2.) Has much legislation been passed in honor of crime victims over the last 10 years in your state? What seems to be the nature of the victim’s situation?

3.)Do you see a trend in your state that laws in honor of victims are increasing or decreasing? Why do you think this is the case?

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