Required Texts/Readings
Gundling, E. and Zanchettin, A. (2010). Global Diversity: Winning Customers and Engaging Employees within World Markets. Nicholas Brealey Publishing ISBN: 9781904838265
Instructions: Working with your group and the country or region from our textbook, create a 15-minute powerpoint presentation highlighting the most important information about your reading.
Each member of your group should discuss one of the following topics:
- Overview of the country – both historically and geopolitically. More information is helpful here.
- Key Variables (2) – Pg 5 in the textbook
- Impact on Hospitality Industry with recommendations
Each member of your group is responsible for speaking from 5-10 minutes. The group is responsible for creating a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 10 slides.
Here is the outline of my part needed to put on the powerpoint
- Religion
- Different religions throughout India
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Conflict between India and Pakistan
- Sikh
- Parsees
- Indian secularism
- Coexistence
- Instances of violent encounters between groups (pg. 95)
- Literacy rates
- Religion and the workplace
- Secular national holidays and holiday schedules for those working in IT for Western clientele.
- Socioeconomic status
- Caste system
- Access to educational opportunities and corporate social responsibility programs
- Gender
- Generation gaps between females and traditional values
- Society’s pressures and discrimination towards women (pg. 104)
- Dowry custom
- Progress in the workplace
- Paid maternity leave
- Antiharassment
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