I have an assignment for People in Organization . The assignment needs to answer in Just a one (1) page (reflection paper) based on the content of the article and I will provide you the article.

Here some information:.

It must include a bibliography; failure to do so will result in a zero (0) for the assignment. This does not count towards the one (1) page limitFILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

This is a REFLECTION PAPER; summarizing the article will result in a loss of a significant amount of points for this paper. FILLER TEXT

Questions to consider when drafting your paper (you do not have to use any of these):

What aspects of Amazon’s culture give it a competitive advantage and why?

What aspects of Amazon’s culture can cause internal issues for the organization and why?

What is the cost of attrition both short and long term?

How does Jeff Bezos contribute to the culture of Amazon?

Why would some employees thrive at Amazon where others would struggle?

  1. Does the people management strategy of compassion and care make good business sense?
  2. Is Amazon’s employer brand as reported by the FILLER TEXT
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