1. Business models: Create and turn an idea into a (solid) business. Blank Canvas Model….

2 . Organizational Structures – Legal aspects: Complying with all kinds of law. Which type of company is appropriate for what? How to avoid pitfalls.

3 . Setting up a company – Organizational aspects: Taming complexity by creating order. Structures that work. Understanding the value chain

4. Power. Responsibility. Liability: Executing power. Who is responsible? Executives’ personal liability. Beyond strictly business

5 . Scope of business: Product and/or services. Customer benefits. Revenue streams. Strategic considerations.

6 . Access to the customer Models Marketing. Advertising. Sales. Distribution. Customer service, Social Media

7 . Business environment: Society. Politics. Technology. Market. Competition. Hidden Challenges.

8 . Marketing Analytics Data Analytics, CRM Tools/Google Ad Words

9 . Investment decisions: Spending to generate value. Risks. Transaction costs. Opportunity Costs. Five Steps.

10. Taxes and subsidies: Principles of taxation. Loopholes and ethics. Private ventures publicly funded.

11 . Financial management: Accounting. Financial statements. Legal requirements. Practical purposes.

12 . Sources of funds: Fundraising Timelines- Debt vs. equity, loan vs partnership, crowd funding, public funds.

13. Revenue to cash flow: Billing. Liquidity. Late Payment. Bad debts.

14 .Budgeting: Five years’ FP of costs and revenues. Controlling. KPIs, business metrics. Forecast.

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