VB Topics Introduced:

Windows Form, Arrays, Variable and Data Types, Data Assignment, Conditional Statements, Exception Handling (Try-Catch), Radio Button Control, Group Box Control, ToolTips, Textbox Control, MsgBox. For-Next Loop

Develop a Windows Form application to calculate and display the lowest value, highest value, average value average value (rounded), and the square root of the average value. All grades are to be stored in an Array

General Requirements – The following must be included in your project:

  1. The Windows Form should be easy to understand using appropriate Label and ToolTip controls to help the user navigate through the application
  2. Comments should be placed throughout your VB code. Variables and control objects should follow common naming conventions (see common naming conventions handout)
  3. Array : Data entered into Textbox control objects should be stored in an Array using an appropriate data type
  4. Use Textbox controls to enter the data and to display the output.
  5. Use a Textbox control to display the solutions
  6. Use Error Handling (Try…Catch…Finally) to account for common errors. For example, if a user enters incorrect data types into the data point textboxes
    1. Display a message (using a MsgBox)to the user where necessary
  7. Use a GroupBox control to contain both the Radio Button and input Textbox controls
  8. You can use a For-Next Loop to find the lowest and highest values in the array

Use a Button control to calculate the solutions and a second Button control to exit the application

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