The rough draft is already complete. I just need the five attached appendices corrected to make sense and relate to the information, make an outline addressing the key problems, decisions and issues and add the RVP and Options sections. I do not need anything else edited within the paper, just these three things. Thank you

Original Assignment Overall Requirements

Each student will submit one individually prepared case write-up for the case: What business is Zara in (Revised)? Please do not discuss your individual case write-up with other students. This assignment is to be an individual effort. Please write the case from the perspective of the decision maker. The case is a maximum of five pages, single-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins.

Appendices need to be original, that is please do not copy & paste information from the case. Rather, create your own original tables/figures using data from the case. You may decide to include the analysis worksheets as original appendices (e.g., Appendix 1 – Five Forces Figure, Appendix 2 – VRIO Table). Appendices are not included in the word count. Please cite each appendix in the body of the paper (e.g., As outlined in Appendix 1, the industry’s Five Forces are weak).

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