This is a midterm paper and required reading from the book so I definitely add extra tip for this paper as my appreciation for your effort. The book is attached and please read the instruction thoroughly. Thanks

Chapter 8 discusses computer system failures.Please review Chapter 8, specifically section 8.1 Failures and Errors in Computer Systems. Next, identify a journal or news article, published within the past 5 years, that identifies and discusses a major computer system failure. After identifying and reading your focus article, please do the following:

Summarize the article (What was the article about? Focus your summary on the who, what, where, when, why);

Address how the description of the computer system failure in the article you identified aligns or diverges from the way Computer System failures are described in Chapter 8 (for example, was this an “Overconfidence” issue);

  • Provide your personal analysis about the computer system failure—example: What was done well? Could this have been avoided?
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