COMPLETE CORRECT ANSWERS FOR QUESTIONS 11-20 11 . People who receive Medicare 12 . Ralph is assigning diagnosis and procedure codes for a 35-year-old patient from New Mexico, who has hypertension and end-stage renal disease. Would this patient qualify for Medicare? 13 . The first prepaid health insurance plans in the United States were 14 . Which of the following is the largest privately underwritten health insurance contract in the world? 15 . A provider is classified as a/an 16 . Tom is billing an emergency room visit for a Medicaid patient who’s being seen for a wellness visit. Which one of the following statements is true as a result of the Balanced Budget Act? 17 . Dr. Singer is working within a reimbursement system in which the insurance is billed after all the treatment has been given to the patients. What is the main reason that the doctor orders more tests, exams, and procedures under this system? 18 . With a PPO, the beneficiary has the ability to 19 . Physician-hospital organizations (PHOs) are also called _______ organizations. 20 . Mrs. Fang is a 72-year-old retired school teacher who has been hospitalized for pneumonia. What type of insurance is most likely being used to pay for her hospital stay?
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