Comprehensive Assessment View this breaking news announcement . Disaster Report: Healthcare Learning Innovations You have arrived at the scene of a hostile situation at ABC Daycare in Sentinel City®. Little detail of the situation is known. Enter Sentinel City®, visit the area near ABC Day care. Observe the services, routes and populations that may be involved as a result of this situation. As the lead healthcare provider, you will oversee the situation outside of the daycare. You need to organize and contain the situation and may be working with unknown and potential critical situations. Observe and assess the scene and surrounding areas? How are you going to address the scenario? Explain the leadership skills you will use. Using your knowledge of community health, explain the potential public health effects or environmental hazards from this situation. For example, if disease or illness results from the release of an infectious agent. Who are the members of the emergency management team? Assess what services and resources that might be needed. Explain how you would address family members or the media arriving at the scene. Additional Instructions: All submissions should have a title page and reference page. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines. Submission Option : Instruction: Paper 9 to 10-page paper. Include title and reference pages. Attachments area Preview YouTube video Disaster Report: Healthcare Learning Innovations Disaster Report: Healthcare Learning Innovations
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