Assignment: Completing Your Action Research Project Essay Reading Literacy Part H: Implications for Practice, Dissemination of Results, and Contributions to the Field of Education. Respond to the following question below : 3 pages Using APA style and references What changes are you going to  make based on the findings? Describe your action steps using SMART goals (For      example., goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,      timely, and tangible). What is your plan for sharing  your research story and the risks you are willing to take to share your  story in and out of your school environment? How did you plan to disseminate results? For example, what considerations did you make for reporting  results to parents versus reporting to your school colleagues? Consider      how your reporting mechanisms influenced others beyond the classroom      (e.g., families, community members, and other colleagues)? How does teacher inquiry drive  positive change in your day-to-day professional life ? Reflect on how this course has shaped your understanding of the relationships among collaborative teacher inquiry,  continuous improvement, and professional growth. In looking at your findings and   implications for practice, what contribution can you make      toward positive social change in your educational setting; and,  to the extent possible within the confines of your research study, the      greater educational community? Consider how your findings and  implications for practice can be an influence for positive social change for      all students, especially those with diverse learning needs. Review draft & assignment.

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