Simon Sinek developed the concept of knowing and understanding your “why.” The article, “Knowing Your Why” explains the importance of knowing your why in great detail. The Michael Jr. video is a fun illustration of how knowing your why can change you. It is amazing to me the difference in this man’s performance before and after he knew his why. What is your “Why”? Why are you pursuing higher education? Why are you going into your field of choice?

Discussion Assignment:

  1. Read this article on Simon Sinek’s work.
  2. Watch the video below.
  3. Discuss what your personal “Why” is, and how knowing your “Why” can make your “What” more impactful. You why might have many components, or it might be very simple. Either way, please share it.

Know Your Why | Michael Jr. (Links to an external site.)Know Your Why | Michael Jr.

Note: If for some reason your video does not work, try changing browsers. Chrome seems to work the best.

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