Please with the instructions and you will complete this task twice. There are two different students in the same class so these tasks need to be different in wording so that it does not get flagged as plagiarism. When you were done you should upload two differentword documents
Guidelines for Literature/Film Project
Literature is frequently the subject of movies on the big screen and on television. Have you ever read a book or short story and then watched a movie based on it? If not, do a little research. There are many, many examples. Just google books turned into movies. Choose one book that has also been the basis for a movie to compare and contrast.
Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font and double space your one page paper on the comparison and contrast, observing MLA format for the first page heading and page numbers and demonstrating the guidelines for standard English. Use flowing paragraphs, not numbered answers to complete the assignment but include all of the information required.
The following elements must be covered in the paper to receive full credit:
1. Include the title of the book and film.
2. Name the author of the work and the director of the movie.
3. Specify whether the piece of literature is fiction or nonfiction and whether it is a novel, short story, or essay. In film language, is it a drama or comedy or something else?
4. Discuss main characters, plot, setting, and theme of the work.
5. Discuss the differences noted in the book and movie version.
6. Include one quote from a scholar on the book and one quote from a movie review on the film.
7. Include a bibliography in MLA format for the source of the two quotations used for your paper. For current MLA guidelines go to .
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