Organizational Analysis paper (APA)

the paper will consist of comparing and contrasting nasa and the us army it will have 3 parts

1stpart is the Introduction (introduce your topic and paper)

the paper will consist of comparing and contrasting nasa and the us army it will have 3 parts


-Purpose – You will use the mission statement for both NASA AND THE U.S ARMY put it in your own words

-Activities- what did these public organizations engage in (activities)

-Structure- they are both hierarchies but talk about how tall and flat they are and why


then you will be applying the environmental factors and determining the effect upon internal/external and formal/informal processes.

looks at how environmental factors impact an organization. There are nine such environmental factors discussed in your text. You should discuss how at least three of these impact the organizations specified in the essay.

1. economic

for an example

Look at NASA and ask yourself “How important is space exploration to the country?” Is it a higher priority than ensuring voting rights or eliminating poverty? If your answer is “No”, then how were we able to send a man to the moon during a time of great social unrest when economic resources were hotly contested? Leadership inside and outside the organization were determining factors. How was the necessary technology developed? Formally by taking advantage of the pool of highly talented employees and reorganization of the agency structure, and informally through alliances with academia that have subsequently been formalized.

How does the Army prosper and continue to grow during a time of relative peace when many are looking forward the savings believed inherent in a “peace dividend”? Leadership redefines organizational purpose periodically by reidentifying the main threat to national security. Is the Army’s main function really protection from terrorism, or is that the current favorite? How does the Army develop new technologies? Does it have that talent within itself or must it go elsewhere?

another example

If I talk about 9/11, that would be the environmental factor and technology, economics, political, are the external and internal factors. I would ask externally and internally what changed and what is the result? How did it affect the (army, NASA) internally and externally? Informally and formally, how did things get done?

Using your example of 9/11, this event occurred outside the organization of the Army but had a significant impact upon it, resulting in changes to mission, activities, and structure. This is an external stimuli producing a multitude of internal effects. 9/11 also impacted on NASA, heightening concerns about security, creating changes in program priorities, and absorbing scarce financial resources in the global war on terror. Such internal effects become manifest in regards to various organizational processes that can broadly be categorized as formal or informal and occasionally again as internal or external.
the highlighted sections are incorrect Make changes to the highlighted sections and add what is needed


then the conclusion

Reference page


Remember, the assignment is to compare and contrast the two organizations. How are they alike and how are they different? Answering the foregoing questions provides a conceptual lens for looking at each organization directing the same inquiries at each.

Begin with Chapter 1 and ask “What is an organization?”; all organizations consist of three things. These three things determine the type of organization that we are dealing with and help to categorize them. Chapter 2 elaborates on the third criteria, it being the most varied. These three factors can be reduced to three simple questions that provide the basic framework for an organizational analysis. This basic analysis comprises 30% of your grade on the essay.

Chapter 3 looks at how environmental factors impact an organization. There are nine such environmental factors discussed in your text. You should discuss how at least three of these impact the organizations specified in the essay. This is the second layer of your analysis and worth another 30% of your grade.

Finally, the analysis is enriched by addressing the added complexity of internal/external and formal/informal mechanisms affecting organizational processes such as communications, leadership, and motivation. This effort is again worth 30% of your grade.

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