Behaviors exhibited by students are the result of a function, or a reason. In this assignment, you will explain the function of the target behavior you identified in Module 1. You also will collect data on the target behavior to understand its function. Create a Word document for your response. Use APA format to create a title page, references page, and in-text citations. Write a three-page paper (not including the title and references pages), including an introduction and conclusion. As an introduction, define the target behavior you identified in Module 1. Identify the early childhood setting in which the observations and data collection will occur and the time frame over which data will be collected. identify the person who will collect data on the target behavior. Use a frequency table to record the behavior as it occurs. Create and complete the table provided below in the Word document. Describe the function of the behavior, the antecedents and consequences of the behavior, and the time and settings in which the behavior is most likely to occur. As a conclusion, form a hypothesis about the target behavior Functional Behavior Assessment Frequency Table (Add more rows as needed) Student (pseudonym) or Student Group: Target Behavior: Observer: Observation Dates: Start Time Stop Time Setting/Activity Frequency (Use Tally Marks) Total Additional Comments or Observations

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