Linux Implementation Proposal: Migration Proposal Presentation (due at the end of Week 3) Faster Computing has contacted Go2Linux and requested a brief proposal presentation for migrating its systems from Windows to Linux. The company is specifically interested in seeing the following information: Based on your current understanding of Faster Computing’s business, what are some potential benefits of Linux? The company is aware that many different Linux distributions exist. Which would Go2Linux recommend, and why? Are there graphical interfaces available for the Linux workstations that would provide similar functionality to Windows? Some users are concerned about working with a command-line interface. What steps will be required to migrate the systems from Windows to Linux? What tools are available on Linux for the servers to provide file sharing, web servers, and email servers? The deliverable for this phase of the project is a three- to five-slide PowerPoint narrated presentation. For each slide, you will embed your own audio recording as if you were presenting the content to the Faster Computing team. Faster Computing has not yet committed to the project, so this should be presented as a proposal. The presentation should be visually appealing; inclusion of at least one image that supports the content and adds value to the proposal is required. You must cite at least two quality sources.
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