This assignment has 2 parts:

1. Written post(2-4 paragraphs) examining the various patrol functions discussed in the chapter.

2. Practice Annotated Bibliography Entry#4

PART 1: POLICING PATROL FUNCTIONS Based on the materials below, answer each of the following questions in a written post(Use paragraphs, general essay format. You may use numbering to keep the points straight if needed).

Use examples drawn from the readings.

Please cite the information in both the lecture podcast and the textbook using in-text parenthetical citation format for APA 6th edition.

Example Book Citation(Cole, Smith & DeJong,2016,p.153)

Example Podcast Lecture Citation(Ratnabalasuriar,2019).

End Reference:

. Ratnabalasuriar,S.(Producer)(2019, September 30). CJ201, Module 6 Contemporary lssues and Challenges in Policing.[ Module 6]. Introduction to Criminal Justice Podcast. Podcast retrieved from http:/canvas. svsu. edu/courses oCole,G.F, Smith,C.E,& DeJong,C.(2018). Criminal justice in America. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

1. When would a detective be assigned to a case? Explain how detectives differ from other types of officers such as patrol officers and provide a clear explanation of what is required to become a detective.

2. Of the five patrol strategies, which one appears to be used the most in your home community, based on the police reports you examined last week?

1. In your answer, define each patrol assignment strategy

1. preventative;

2. hot spots;

3. foot versus motorized patrol;

4. aggressive patrol;5. community policing

2. Explain which strategies appear to have the most substantial evidence of effectiveness? Cite the studies and the page numbers referred to in the chapter to support your choice.

3. Discuss the methods and results of the Kansas City Preventative Patrol Experiment.

4. Discuss the four components of Community Policing, as discussed by Skolnick & Bayley (1986).

PART 2:PRACTICE ANNOTATION#4-Peer-Reviewed Study#1

1.Go to the SVSU Library Lib Guide for CJ:http:/

2.Use one of the databases in the library to find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article related to your paper topic.

1.Search for a peer-reviewed study published within the past ten years and,

2.Focuses on the United States Criminal Justice system and,

3.A scholarly article published in a peer-reviewed academic journal related to the field of Criminal Justice.

3.Provide an end reference for the peer-reviewed article.You will need to have the following elements in your citation in the correct APA 6th edition format to earn the full points on this portion of the assignment:

1.Author name(s)and/or agency names,if the article does not list specific authors.

2.The year the article was published.

3.Title of the article(capitalize the first word,the first word after a colon,and any proper nouns such as names of people,organizations or countries).

4.Title of the journal(in italics)

5.The volume number(in italics)

6.The issue number(regular case,in parentheses).

7.The page numbers for the article.

8.If using the URL,the words”Retrieved from”followed by the web URL location of the article


9.If using the Digital Object Identification Number(DOl),include the humber(DOl:10.99..….)

4.See the peer-reviewed journal article entries in the linked handout to then take these 9 elements and format them properly using the APA electronic references guide.pdf

5.Below the end reference citation for the book or book chapter,you will need to write a thorough summary of the information contained in the article(1-3 paragraphs depending on the length of the article).Please read through this provided document to get a sense of the format and structure of an annotated bibliography entry for an empirical report SCAN Write&Wrong Unit

6.After you’ve found a relevant article,skim through the headings,and write down each of the primary section headings.Write answers to the questions below and integrate each of the answers into your annotated bibliography summary in paragraph format.

1.What is the article about,and how does it connect to your topic area?(How many agencies,crimes,people,etc.were examined or analyzed)?

2.When or over what period is the study examining?

3.Where did the article address the main problem or research question(s)?(These are sometimes referred to as hypotheses).Name the people,organizations,law enforcement agencies,death penalty cases,etc.discussed.In other words,what did the author(s)measure and how many”things”were measured?

4.What were the methods the study used to examine the research questions?Did the authors collect survey data,conduct interviews,analyze crime reports,etc.?Clearly explain what the authors reviewed to come to their conclusions.

5.What are some of the significant findings in the article?

6.What are the problems or limitations the author(s)experienced while conducting the study?

7.What are the recommendations for future studies or research the authors suggesting near the conclusion of the study?

7.At the end of the annotation,please write down any questions you had while reading your source. Were there confusing sections?Unfamiliar terms?

Textbook link:!pTw2xSxT!i0WkCRSjI5SaJrWanoqYvkl…

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