Type: Instant Download Format: Zip file (Contains all documents needed for this assignment) Version: Current 2013-14 (Click on tutorial image to view snapshot) Frequently Asked Questions What is included in the full course package? The entire course study guide includes the output file homework solution in notepad for CIS 339 ilab 7 of 7 Week 7 lab: Object-Oriented Application Coding Setup (bachelors program) Your tutorial will include these files: CIS339_Lab7.Zip What if I find a question is missing? Just shoot us an email or contact us via live chat. Our expert DBM tutors will add the answers to the study guide within 1 to 3 days. You will receive a free update to the study guide with the answers you need. Will this help me with DBM 405 problems? Yes, this guide is designed to help students get through the CIS 339 Lab 1 exercise with ease. CIS 339 ilab 7 of 7 Week 7 lab: Object-Oriented Application Coding: L A B O V E R V I E W   Scenario and Summary Your demonstrations of how to create both method contract and the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class were very well received by your team members. They then asked you for one final demonstration of how to implement the method specification using an object-oriented (OO) programming language and see the method actually execute. You realize that it is easy to implement the method specification in an OO programming language, but it is hard to test it because the rest of the application is not developed yet. You decided, therefore, to write two pieces of code. Code that implements the GetCourseByCourseID() method Code that implements a unit test for that method alone (outside of any other application code) This way you can demonstrate the method implementation and also verify its correct behavior. You are under a deadline constraint for this deliverable, so you asked some of your peer architects for help. They each are well versed in different OO languages like VB.NET, C#, and Java and they all have done unit testing before so they are familiar of how to construct one. Your peer architects provided you with partially-completed shells for your demonstration. Each shell contains: complete code for the Course class; partially completed code for CourseList class; and  complete code for the CourseListTest class that unit tests the CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method. Your task is now easy. Just select one of these shells and complete the code for the partially completed CourseList by coding it GetCourseByCourseID() method. When you compile and run the shell, it will automatically test your GetCourseByCourseID() code to ensure its correct behavior. Deliverables One Word file that contains the following.  A copy of the code you wrote for the GetCourseByCourseID method() of the CourseList class in your favorite OO programming language A screen shot of the output of running the provided unit test in the shell (the CourseListTest class) showing that your code works as expected. Note that these unit tests only print out messages of testing problems. If your code is correct, the unit tests will succeed silently without any success messages. An explanation of your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed code A zip file of the completed shell after you added your code so that the shell could be executed on a different machine i L A B  S T E P S STEP 1: Review the Method Contract, Method Specification for the GetCDByCDID() Method, and Coding & Unit Testing GetCDByCDID() Method using Java (not Graded) Download the Method Contract for GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to reviewing this week’s video tutorial. Download the Method Specification for the GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to reviewing this week’s video tutorial STEP 2: Code & Unit Test the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class Decide on your OO programming language that you will use for this lab and then download the correspondin…

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