Assignment must be 2 pages, double-spaced.

Choose one of the poems from the below:

1. William Shakespeare “When My Love Swears…” (1609)2.

2. W. H. Auden , “Lullaby” (1937)

3. Thomas Hardy, “Neutral Tones” (1867)

4 Carolyn Kizer , “Bitch” (1983)

5. Edna St. Vincent MillayWhat Lips My Lips Have Kissed” (1920)
6. Erica Jong “The Man Under the Bed”. (1973)

Using the evaluation criteria below, choose 2 sites — a reliable site and an unreliable site – to report on.

When choosing, look at the interpretations closely according to the criteria below. Also look at the “credentials” of the writer. Even a so-called expert in literature may not be very reliable if his/her interpretation is a pronouncement rather than a supported analysis.

And although a site that doesn’t let you know the names of the writers may, like Shmoop, give you some helpful information about the poems, in academic circles anonymous sources are suspect. As John Daniszewski of AP News (Links to an external site.) writes: “No one wants news that’s built on unnamed, unaccountable sources and facts seemingly pulled from the air. “

Criteria for Evaluation:

1. First of all, ask yourself: Just who is this writer? What can you find out about him or her? What is the purpose of the website on which you find the information?

To find out about the writer, google him or her. Or work backward on the website: for instance, say you have the address Eliminate the “english233/poetry” section of the URL: you might find yourself at Professor Smith’s site where you can find out more about her.

2. Does the writer supply enough examples to support his or her conclusions? (In fact, what are his/her conclusions?)

3. Does the writer ignore any information in the text that might call his or her conclusions into question? (What is that information?)

You should present your findings to me in the form of a report entitled Research Project: and the name and author of the poem.

Click HERE for more information on site evaluation. HERE for information on quoting poetry.

You should use the following headings in your report:

A. Site #1: a reliable interpretation. Name of site and URL.

Description of the site, its author, his or her credentials. Explain why you chose this poem, how you found the site and the credentials of the author.

Summary of what is said about the poem.

Your evaluation of the interpretation of the poem considering the criteria listed above.

You should quote correctly from the site to illustrate your points.

Note: Be careful to use quotation marks to distinguish your words from the exact words at the site or in the poem.

B. Site #2: an unreliable interpretation: Name of site and URL.

Description of the site, its author, his or her credentials and how you found them (or didn’t).

Summary of what is said about the poem.

Your evaluation of the interpretation of the poem considering the criteria listed in Part A.

You should quote correctly from the site to illustrate your points.

Be careful to use quotation marks to distinguish your words from the exact words at the site or in the poem.

C. Contrast of the two analyses:

Think of them in relation to each other. What does one include that the other leaves out?

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