1. Using the graph that you created in Graph 1 as a reference, where should the pipet float if the solution was a 13.0% sugar solution? How do you know this? 2. Using the graph that you created in Graph 1 as a reference, determine the carbohydrate content of the three beverages that you measured with your hydrometer. 3. Describe how your results compare to those listed on the food labels for the three beverages (recorded in Data Table 2). Calculate the percent error for each and show your work. 4. What is a monosaccharide and what is its chemical composition? 5. Why do food industries need to determine carbohydrate content? How many Calories are in 1 gram of carbohydrates? 6. How are carbohydrates separated from fats and proteins in foods that contain all three macronutrients? 7. Describe two methods for calculating carbohydrate content that were not used in this laboratory. 8. Define the relative density of a substance. Describe how you used the relative density to determine the carbohydrate content of the three unknown substances.
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