There is two parts to this….. first: Prepare a project requirements matrix for the Learning Team project selected in Week 2. Microsoft ® Excel® can be used to prepare these documents. Collect and evaluate the high-level project requirements. Prepare a requirements matrix that includes: Requirement Phases of the project Responsible party Cost to complete Duration to complete second: Use the same company/project idea you used in the Week 2 Learning Team assignment (Building a home) Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address each of the following items: What is the purpose of a risk response plan? What is a risk owner? Who should be appointed to own risk on a project? What is a risk owner’s role in the risk response plan? How should a project manager assess and deal with risk? List and describe the most common areas of the project where risks can originate. List and discuss at least two types of risk for each area. In the project you discussed in Week 1, what were the risks, and how were they handled? Should they have been handled differently? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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CYBER SECURITY Go to this website: s/ and briefly answer the following questions using the MLA format. Do not copy and paste! What is a social engineering attack? What is a phishing attack? How do you avoid being a victim? How do you know if your identity has been stolen and how do you avoid being a victim? Why can email attachments be dangerous? How can you protect yourself and others? What do firewalls do and what type of firewall is best?

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please just edit grammar, vocabulary and write in APA format ( both in paragraph and references ) ” When You google “Best Undergraduate Risk management and insurance Programs” the first searching result coms up according to “” that Temple University is one of the top 12 undergraduate insurance programs in the United States ( ) Also US News have ranked Temple University as the fourth best University in the United states inundergraduate insurance programs in the United States. ( ). ( ) A lot of students use US News and other similar authoritative website to get information about the best schools and their rankings in their different majors and department when they plan to apply to universities after the high school or even transfer from their current schools. With having these websites illustrating The Fox school of Business school academic performance in risk management major, a lot of students concede Temple University as one of their very first choices for this major. The problem that a lot of business students face is the difficulty in Introduction to Risk Management (RMI 2101), which is one of the core courses that required to every single business student within the fox school of business to take. Of course there is some defaulted in every course that some students may face; however, through the interviews I have done among the business students, RMI 2101 has won as the most difficult core course within The Fox school of Business. Additionally, Introduction to Risk Management (RMI 2101) course has one the highest repetition rate comparing to other The Fox School Business core courses as students have disclosed during the interview. Not only that, but the course has also had the one of highest drop and withdraw rates after taking the first exam in it. Jake Is one of the business students who said that, around 20% of the class had a really bad grad in the first class and planning to withdraw from it as soon as possible. (Jake, personal communication, October 9, 2018). Haneen Alkandari who is an economics major student how have already taken the introduction to risk management class last semester, who said that four of her friends retook the RMI 2101 course at least once, while she barely passes it with C-. (Haneen Alkandari, personal communication, October 9, 2018). Since this class have a really high repetition, dropping, and withdrawing rates build a bad reputation about the school, the course, as well as the professors who teach the course. Also, that cost a lot in both the students side and the school side. One of the consequences of this course being too difficult is pushing a lot of Risk management and insurance students to change their major as it is the case with Mike who used to be a Risk Management Student and have change his major after taking a couple of risk management classes due to the difficulty he had faced (Mike, personal communication, October 9, 2018). Having a lot of Risk management and Insurance changing their majors will harm the Risk department and The fox School of business in many ways. Very difficult courses in general cause students to go through a lot of stress and anxiety which can lead to depression in the long run, as it is the case with Husam who a Business student is who are taking the Introduction to Risk Management (RMI 2101) course for the third time this semester, which made him feel frustrated and depressed. (Husam, personal communication, October 9, 2018). http://risk…

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Describe how changes in transportation technology in the nineteenth century led to the development of anthropology. Post is 250+ words. All posts reflect widely accepted academic writing protocols like using capital letters, cohesive sentences, and no texting language. Dialogue is also polite and respectful of different points of view. Everything is APA format.

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Throughout this course, you have become familiar with fundamental photographic concepts. Understanding these fundamentals may help you not only take better photographs but also see your subject matter, your community, and the world from a different perspective. In this Reflection, consider the knowledge and skills you have gained in this course and how they have affected your photographic style. To prepare for this Assignment: Review the Jonathan Jones article from this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the effect of composing photographs using the fundamental principles of photography you have studied in this course. Consider the purpose of having a process and intent when composing photographs for the viewer. Review the examples of photographs demonstrating fundamental principles of photography you have produced for this course. Reflect on the changes you have seen in your own photographic style. The Assignment: Write a 3- 4 page paper assessing how the fundamental principles of photography are reflected in the way you communicate messages or stories. Assess how these fundamental principles of photography are reflected in the way you view your community and the world. Describe how you might approach photography differently after this course. What photographic skills have you strengthened since the beginning of this course? Be sure to cite at least one example from the course readings to support your answers. BE SURE TO USE PROVIDED RESOURCES AS WELL AS THE TEXTBOOK! Jones, J. (2013, January 10). Photography is the art of our time. The Guardian. Retrieved from In this article, Jones asserts that photography is an art form that allows us to capture the essence of our daily lives and give it meaning. The following websites comprise galleries that allow you to experience the fundamental elements of photographic art. Faded & Blurred. (2015). Retrieved from No caption needed: Iconic photographs, public culture, and liberal democracy [Blog]. (2015). Retrieved from Time. (2015). Lightbox. Retrieved from TEXTBOOK LINK:…

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According to the Mayo Clinic, bipolar disorder “causes mood swings that range from the lows of depression to the highs of mania.” There are two main types of bipolar disorders; Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorder (there is also a Cyclothymic disorder). Write a short (1-2 pages) essay regarding the main differences between Bipolar I disorder and Bipolar II disorder. In your essay be sure to include the following information: Description of each disorder. The main differences between each of the two types. Explain how the presence, or absence, of manic and/or mixed episodes plays in distinguishing between these two conditions?

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Please read and discuss the following articles “Fraud on the Market,” “Mathematicians for Martha,” “Notes from a Little Fish,” “The Big Wells Fargo Picture: Can we discourage white collar crime without jailing the criminal?” and “SEC Charges Martha Stewart, Broker Peter Bacanovic with Illegal Insider Trading.” i have up lowed the 5 articles Compare and contrast the articles and give your reactions. Please post an initial post (250 word minimum) by midnight Wednesday, and a response post (150 word minimum) by midnight, Saturday. i will send it later

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Source-Based Essay PDF Prompt: Were Wilson’s arguments about democracy and self-determination put into practice inside and outside of the United States during/after World War I? Using the required sources, provide at least 1 example from each source to support your argument. Required Sources: Document 21.5 in Reading American Horizons (231-232), Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Al Quoc), “Petition to Woodrow Wilson” (1919) Document 21.6 in Reading American Horizons (232-233), A. Mitchell Palmer, “Excerpts from ‘The Case Against the Reds’” (1920) National Women’s Party, Why We Picket Flyer and Prison Song (Sept 1917) W.E.B Du Bois, “Returning Soldiers,” The Crisis, XVIII (May 1919) 2 scholarly, library sources related to the prompt (Gateway to Research One Search) (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. Directions: Students will answer designated questions using assigned sources. Papers will be 5-6 pages in length and will follow standard formatting (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins). The paper must reference relevant primary sources, include scholarly secondary sources from the library, be written in an essay format, and advance an argument. Students must complete the following steps: Read the required sources and take notes. Think about the prompt while you are reading, start to formulate an argument, and write down examples from the sources (with page numbers). Conduct library research and find 2 or more scholarly sources related to the prompt and your argument. The sources should be recently published (1990-present). You can only use journal articles, books, or e-books from the Cuyamaca/Grossmont libraries (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. or SDSU. Search for sources using the Gateway to Research search engine in the middle of the library home page. If you need assistance finding sources you can visit a Research Librarian in the Tech Mall (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. (E-121) or see me during office hours. Write a 2-page outline that includes the following information: the argument, the paragraph topics, and the examples from the library sources and required primary sources that will be used in your paper. Make a Works Cited page with 2 scholarly, library sources and all of the required sources. Include a full citation for each source. Outline and Works Cited page DUE 10/22 @ 11pm Write a 5-6 page paper combining all required primary sources, 2 or more scholarly sources, and lecture material. Papers must be at least 5 FULL pages long and follow standard formatting (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins). Use and cite all of the required sources . The primary sources, library sources, and lecture material MUST be cited in your paper using in-text MLA-style citations (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. e.g. (Schaller 105) so I know where the information that you are discussing came from. In addition, to the 5 full pages of text, you need to have a Works Cited page (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. listing all of the sources used in the paper. Provide a full citation for each source including: author’s full name, source name, publisher’s name and location, and the publication date. Students must upload their paper to the link in Canvas. DUE 11/11 @ 11pm Checklist: ? 5-6 page length, used standard formatting (5 FULL pages = down to the bottom of the 5thpage) ? Essay format: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion ? Clearly written, proofread, and spell-checked ? Specifically answered all parts of the prompt ? Underlined argument and supported it well with at least 5 pieces of evidence ? Used all required sources and cited them correctly ? Submitted a Works Cited page with 2 or more library sources ? Sources listed in Works Cited page were all used in the presentation and cited Rubric SBE Paper Rubri…

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I need a replay to a classmate discussion (the file will be attached ) for the same topic discussion 20 In your replays, Your responses should be constructive, indicate whether you agree or disagree, and offer suggestions for improving their arguments. the replay should be around 200 words

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Think about this: If the current
unemployment rate is 3.9%, would one expect the rate of inflation to
increase or decrease? Explain your answer. Now you face a wonderful decision. Imagine that you just won
a lottery jackpot of $100,000. If you expect inflation to accelerate,
should you buy that home you’ve been thinking of now? What would you
decide if the rate of inflation is negative?

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