Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 17 (section 17.4), 18 (section 18.3), 19 (sections 19.1, 19.2), 21 (sections 21.2, 21.4) Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following categories representing minority groups during 1880-1914: Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians Then, address the following for your selections: Explain the socio-economic status and challenges of your minority groups at the turn of the century. How did the Industrial Revolution affect your chosen minority groups? Analyze how the Progressives brought reform to your selected minority groups. Do you find that the Progressives were successful in making government responsive and improve the conditions of your chosen minority group? professor’s post: Welcome to Week 5 Discussion Board, which opens Monday, Sept. 30. We enter the Industrial Revolution, with its many good and bad facets. Yes, so many innovations and business enterprises, but oh so many people sacrificed and crushed in this age, including many immigrants, women, and even children (Outman & Outman, 2003). Many persons were attracted to the big cities with promises of work during this Industrial Age. Select two from the following and interact with their experiences. Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians You are welcome to find any other authoritative sources as well. Thanks! Reference Outman, J. L., & Outman, E. M. (Eds.). (2003). Industrial Revolution: Primary sources. Farmington Hill, MI: Thomson and Gale.

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As Dr. Rempher and Ms. Manna discussed this week, data from the NDNQI is used to improve nursing practices and support the strategic outcomes of an organization. This data is also used to create the Dashboard. The Dashboard, then, is used to create an action plan. Correctly interpreting information presented on the Dashboard provides nurses with a better understanding of the goals of the action plan. To prepare For this Assignment, use the Dashboard located in this week’s Resources, to interpret the data and frame a nursing plan based on best practices. · Review  the NDNQI and use of dashboards · Choose a Nurse-Sensitive Quality Indicator that needs improvement based on the data presented in the Dashboard. Reflect on how you would develop a nursing plan with suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area. · Develop a nursing plan that outlines suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area. · Provide at least five best practices from evidenced-based literature to support your nursing plan. Assignment · Draft a 4- to 5 page paper analyzing areas where there is good performance and areas of opportunity from the sample Dashboard. · Analyze the data provided in the Dashboard and select an area of performance that needs improvement. Include information on why this area was chosen. · Develop a nursing plan that includes suggestions on how to improve performance on the selected indicator. Be sure to provide at least five best practices from the evidenced-based literature to support your suggested nursing plan. Guide Provided a brief paragraph that included an overview of the assignment and its purpose. Presented an analysis of the data from the Sample Dashboard. Provide a thorough description of the area of performance selected that needs improvement and discussed the statistical findings and why the area was selected. Present a nursing plan on five or more best practices that could be implemented to improve performance on the selected indicator. Included how each best practice could address the selected performance. Each best practice must be supported by the professional literature. Provided a summary of the main points in the paper. APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″” margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarizing the source. Reference list is in alphabetical order, hanging indent, double spaced in format. Each specific entry contains all information required by APA format including author, year of publication, title of publication, pages, DOI, website, as appropriate.

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For this assignment, you will research risk management programs for health care facilities or organizations. Review the criteria below in order to select an exemplar that applies to your current or anticipated professional arena. ( Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully. ) TOPIC: Employee Training and Development Programs in Risk Management In a 1,250 word paper, provide an analysis that includes the following: Brief summary description of  the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific      audience, community-focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Description of the recommended administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization risk management program contrasted with the administrative steps and  processes you can identify in your selected example plan. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the      assignment successfully.) Analyze the key agencies and  organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care and the roles each play in the risk management oversight process. ( Occupational Safety and Health Administration) OSHA. Evaluation of the selected exemplar risk management plan regarding compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards relevant to   privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety. Proposed recommendations or  changes you would make to your selected risk management program example to      enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards. Minimum of three peer-reviewed references. No plagiarism please Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

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Create a concept map of a chosen condition, disease, or disorder with glucose regulation or metabolic balance considerations. Write a brief narrative (2–3 pages) that explains why the evidence cited in the concept map and narrative are valuable and relevant, as well as how specific interprofessional strategies will help to improve the outcomes presented in the concept map. Note : Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you should complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented. The biopsychosocial (BPS) approach to care is a way to view all aspects of a patient’s life. It encourages medical practitioners to take into account not only the physical and biological health of a patient, but all considerations like mood, personality, and socioeconomic characteristics. This course will also explore aspects of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment (the three Ps) as they relate to specific conditions, diseases, or disorders. The first assessment is one in which you will create a concept map to analyze and organize the treatment of a specific patient with a specific condition, disease, or disorder. Assessment Instructions Scenario You have already learned about evidence-based practice and quality improvement initiatives in previous courses. You will use this information to guide your assessments, while also implementing new concepts introduced in this course. For this assessment, you will develop a concept map and provide supporting evidence and explanations. You may use the case studies presented in the Vila Health: Concept Maps as Diagnostic Tools media, a case study from the literature or your practice that is relevant to the list of conditions below, or another relevant case study you have developed. This case study will provide you with the context for creating your concept map. You may also use the practice context from the case study or extrapolate the case study information and data into your own practice setting. Think carefully when you are selecting the case study for this assessment, as you may choose to build upon it for the second assessment as well. Some example conditions, diseases and disorders that are relevant to metabolic balance and glucose regulation considerations are: Cancer. Diabetes (type 2). HIV/AIDS. Hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism. Metabolic syndrome. Obesity. Polycycstic ovary syndrome. Prediabetes. Pregnancy. Instructions Develop a concept map and a short narrative that supports and further explains how the concept map is constructed. You may choose to use the Concept Map Template (in the Resources) as a starting point for your concept map, but are not required to do so. The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your evidence-based plan addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Concept Map scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Concept Map document to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed. Part 1: Concept Map Develop an evidence-based concept map that illustrates a plan for achieving high-quality outcomes for a condition that has impaired glucose or metabolic imbalance as related aspects. Part 2: Additional Evidence (Narrative) Justify the value and relevance of the evidence you used as the basis for your concept map. Analyze how interprofessional strategies applied to the concept map can lead to achievement of desired outcomes. Construct concept map and linkage to additional evidence in a way that facilitates understanding of key information and links. Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like: Assessment 1 Example [PDF] . Additional Requirements Length of submission : Your conc…

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I need to do a teaching plan and a brochure for a class called introduction to professional nursing. The subject of the paper is teaching a patient who is paralyzed from the waist down how to use a straight catheter on themselves.

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Instructions Please review the Counterpoint: Vaccines: Caution Advised, an example of a con article. Note: The article was pulled from our Chamberlain library’s Points of View Reference Center database. This resource is highly recommended, as it presents many of the topics in the General Education Healthcare field that may be applicable this term. To access the resource from our library website, choose “Databases” on the homepage, and scroll down to “Points of View.” Click “Go.” Scroll down to Health and Medicine. You will see a large list of potential topics ranging from Allergies in Schools to Vegetarianism. When you click on a topic (Vaccines, for example), you will see an overview of the topic, as well as points, counterpoints, and a guide to critical analysis. The goal of the proposal is to create a working thesis statement and basic research plan that considers context, audience, purpose, and presents potential sources. A proposal is not an outline, as it does not structure the paper. Rather, a proposal offers direction for research needs and gives your professor an opportunity to provide feedback before the drafting process. Access the Con-Position Proposal Template and complete the six required sections: For an example proposal, refer to pages 269-270 of our textbook. Writing Requirements (APA format)

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Review      the Resources and reflect on the mission of state/regional boards of      nursing as the protection of the public through the regulation of nursing      practice. Consider      how key regulations may impact nursing practice. Review      key regulations for nursing practice of your state’s/region’s board of      nursing and those of at least one other state/region and select at least      two APRN regulations to focus on for this Discussion. Post a comparison of at least two APRN board of nursing regulations in your state/region with those of at least one other state/region. Describe how they may differ. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how the regulations you selected may apply to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who have legal authority to practice within the full scope of their education and experience. Provide at least one example of how APRNs may adhere to the two regulations you selected.

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Develop a health promotion plan, 2-3 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group in your community. Note : You will create a plan for enlisting the participation of a hypothetical individual or group in a clinical learning activity based on a health promotion plan addressing a particular health concern affecting these members of your community. A hypothetical nonprofit group is highly recommended. Although study materials in this course refer to face-to-face communication and meetings with individuals and groups, all assignments in the course are based upon hypothetical individuals or groups. For this assignment, you will plan for and enlist the participation of a hypothetical individual or group in a clinical learning activity based on a health promotion plan, addressing a particular health concern affecting these members of your community. Professional Context The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to plan a clinical learning experience focused on health promotion associated with a specific community health concern. Such a plan defines the critical elements of who , what , when , where , and why that establish the foundation for an effective clinical learning experience for the participants. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate individual or group participation. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations. Analyze a community health concern that is the focus of a health promotion plan. Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations. Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population. Establish agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants. Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health. Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style. Note: Assessment 1 must be completed first before you are able to submit Assessment 4. Preparation The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to plan a clinical learning experience focused on health promotion associated with a specific community health concern. Such a plan defines the critical elements of who, what, when, where, and why that establish the foundation for an effective clinical learning experience for the participants. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate individual or group participation. You will need to satisfactorily pass Assessment 1 (Health Promotion Plan) before working on your last assignment (Assessment 4). To prepare for the assessment, consider various health concerns that you would like to be the focus of your plan, the populations potentially affected by that concern, and hypothetical individuals or groups in your community who may be willing to take part in a presentation about that concern and suggested strategies for health improvement. As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement. Please choose one of the topics below: Bullying. Home safety. Fall prevention. Immunizations. Tobacco use (vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, or smoking) cessation. In addition, you are encouraged to: Complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications simulation. Review …

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For this assignment you will create a 2-4 page plan proposal for an interprofessional team to collaborate and work toward driving improvements in the organizational issue you identified in the second assessment. The health care industry is always striving to improve patient outcomes and attain organizational goals. Nurses can play a critical role in achieving these goals; one way to encourage nurse participation in larger organizational efforts is to create a culture of ownership and shared responsibility (Berkow et al., 2012). Participation in interdisciplinary teams can also offer nurses opportunities to share their expertise and leadership skills, fostering a sense of ownership and collegiality. Demonstration of Proficiency · Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health. o Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to be a success and the impacts on those resources if nothing is done, related to the improvements sought by the plan. · Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes. o Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific objective related to improving patient or organizational outcomes. o Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature. · Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals. o Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that are most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan. · Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes. o Communicate the interdisciplinary plan with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style. Reference Berkow, S., Workman, J., Aronson, S., Stewart, J., Virkstis, K., & Kahn, M. (2012). Strengthening frontline nurse investment in organizational goals. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 42 (3), 165–169. Professional Context This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources with a financial budget that can be used to solve the problem identified through the interview you conducted in the prior assessment. Scenario Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue. Note: You will not be expected to implement the plan during this course. However, the plan should be evidence-based and realistic within the context of the issue and your interviewee’s organization. Instructions For this assessment, use the context of the organization where you conducted your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific patient or organizational outcome or objective based on the information gathered in your interview. The goal of this assessment is to clearly lay out the improvement objective for your planned interdisciplinary intervention of the issue you identified. Additionally, be sure to further build on the leadership, change, and collaboration research you completed in the previous assessment. Look for specific, real-world ways in which those strategies and best practices could be applied to encourage buy-in for the plan or f…

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Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences: New practice approaches Intraprofessional collaboration Health care delivery and clinical systems Ethical considerations in health care Population health concerns The role of technology in improving health care outcomes Health policy Leadership and economic models Health disparities Students will outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

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