1. Please read chapters 4-6. For each chapter, please write a one paragraph summary of what you think the most important points are.
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Complete the Online dating profile attatched. List 2-3 scholarly resources.Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

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Hi , please answer the following questions , also I have attached the book you may need it .

you will find book on this link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UoCdQta-f0lg_ym9_wYlwCNXNAsY8QLH/view

Section I ( for this section answer each question up to 4 sentence )

Directions: Be able to identify each of the people/objects/places/terms/events below. In a short answer, explain why are they significant and how they influenced Early Western History?

  1. Socrates
  2. The Republic
  3. Aristophanes
  4. Cimon
  5. Herodotus
  6. Hoplite
  7. Thermopylae
  8. Mytilene
  9. Ostraca
  10. The Troads
  11. The Pythia
  12. Doric
  13. Fertile Crescent
  14. Marathon
  15. Arētē
  16. Helots
  17. Magnae Graecia
  18. The Parthenon
  19. Alcibiades
  20. Alexandria

Section II ( for this section answer each question at least 125 words ).

Directions: Be prepared to answer the following questions. Answer the question completely and include some discussion of primary sources, where appropriate, to support your answer.

  1. How did the geographic landscape of the Greeks influence their society?
  2. Discuss the importance of Greek drama on our understanding of events and politics during the Golden Age of Athens.
  3. Discuss the importance of the hoplite.
  4. Do you think Periclean Athens can be considered a Golden Age?
  5. Explain the concept of arētē as portrayed in the Iliad and how it shaped Greek culture.?
  6. How did Alexander the Great’s conquests alter the political and cultural landscape of the Afro-Eurasian world? Was he truly ‘Great’?
  7. Discuss the major philosophies developing in Greece.
  8. Describe the development of democracy in Athens and the problems of imperialism.

NOTE: Just answer these questions you don’t have to write sources .

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  • Discussion Question #1
  • Topic: Discuss barriers to healthcare access for clients from one culture.
  • Minimum 250 words
  • At least 2 cited references from 2015 to current
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The paper is of the English composition.Attend workshop on the Annotated Bibliography; get three sources to support your position paper.

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Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic: Should police departments train sworn police officers to complete financial reports and prepare budgets or hire civilian personnel for these tasks? Do civilians have enough knowledge of policing to properly prepare good budgets addressing policing needs? Can sworn officers fulfill this task without proper degrees/education?

Create a single document that includes both Part I and Part II of the debate as listed below:

Part I

Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Part II

Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

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Simulating and Testing Network Configurations

As a network administrator for Bacon Institute, you will need to become familiar with the Packet Tracer simulation tool from Cisco. Packet Tracer is used to simulate and test network configurations. This allows you to work out and improve upon the settings before implementing them.

Using the diagram and configuration information from your first task, create a Packet Tracer simulation.

Submit your .pkt (Packet Tracer) file to the box below.

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This paper must be 5 pages Thesis Defense Essay, there must be an abstract and outline for the Thesis Defense Essay. The 5 pages NOT INCLUDE the abstract, outline and the reference page

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As historians, a central part of our work is the analysis of primary sources – documents, images, artifacts, and other cultural materials created in the past by people who lived through the historical events we’ll be studying. While the content of these sources is often fascinating, the job of the historian is to move beyond merely describing a document or artifact to an ANALYSIS of its significance, both in its own historical moment and in our broader understanding of early American history. For some tips on working with primary sources, see the “Interpreting a Primary Source” handout posted in the Writing Resources folder on our class Blackboard site.

Task: In a well-organized, thesis-driven paper of 3-4 pages, students will:

  • briefly summarize the main idea and content of their assigned document (no more than one paragraph)
  • explain how their document connects to important events, ideas, or developments in its own historical context
  • discuss their assigned document’s significance for broader themes or ideas in early American history that we’ve read about or studied in class


  • All papers should have an introduction and conclusion that clearly state the paper’s central argument.
  • Papers should have a single-spaced heading that includes the student’s name, course number, and date, followed by the paper title. A separate title page is not necessary. All pages should be numbered.
  • Standard formatting rules apply – 12 pt. font, Times New Roman or other standard font, 1” margins, double-spaced.
  • All sources MUST be cited with Chicago Style footnotes (see Chicago Style Citation handout on Blackboard)
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what the pathologist found in each of the damaged areas of the brain

what the pathologist found in each of the damaged areas of the brain

what the pathologist found in each of the damaged areas of the brain

what the pathologist found in each of the damaged areas of the brain

0.5-1 page APA format

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