masters level discussion board

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For this post, select a current traumatic event in the news involving children and/or adolescents. Consider possible PTSD symptoms commonly seen with this type of trauma. Also, consider how you might be affected if you were to work with a child or adolescent who was traumatized by this event.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief description of the traumatic event you selected. Then, describe two symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) commonly seen with this type of trauma and explain why. Be specific. Finally, explain one way you might be affected when working with children or adolescents who have experienced this traumatic event and why.




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For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindTools website: ( Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style.

1- I answered the self-assessment and I sent to you my answers and the result of main.

2- with the critical thinking, there are questions. I answered them with Green color to have clear Idea about me and how you answer according to my personality.

Thank you.

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Consider the problem of finding a path in the grid shown in Figure 3.14 from the position ss to the position gg. A piece can move on the grid horizontally or vertically, one square at a time. No step may be made into a forbidden shaded area.

Figure 3.14: A grid-searching problem


On the grid shown in Figure 3.14, number the nodes expanded (in order) for a depth-first search from ss to gg, given that the order of the operators is up, left, right, and down. Assume there is cycle pruning. What is the first path found?


On a copy of the same grid, number the nodes expanded, in order, for a greedy best-first search from ss to gg. Manhattan distance should be used as the evaluation function. The Manhattan distance between two points is the distance in the xx-direction plus the distance in the yy-direction. It corresponds to the distance traveled along city streets arranged in a grid. Assume multiple-path pruning. What is the first path found?


On a copy of the same grid, number the nodes expanded, in order, for a heuristic depth-first search from ss to gg, given Manhattan distance as the evaluation function. Assume cycle pruning. What is the path found?


Number the nodes in order for an A∗A* search, with multiple-path pruning, for the same grid. What is the path found?


Show how to solve the same problem using dynamic programming. Give the cost_to_goal value for each node, and show which path is found.


Based on this experience, discuss which algorithms are best suited for this problem.


Suppose that the grid extended infinitely in all directions. That is, there is no boundary, but ss, gg, and the blocks are in the same positions relative to each other. Which methods would no longer find a path? Which would be the best method, and why?


This question investigates using graph searching to design video presentations. Suppose there exists a database of video segments, together with their length in seconds and the topics covered, set up as follows:



Topics covered






[skiing, views]



[welcome, artificial_intelligence, robots]



[graphics, dragons]



[skiing, robots]

Represent a node as a pair:


where SegsS⁢e⁢g⁢s is a list of segments that must be in the presentation, and To_CoverT⁢o⁢_⁢C⁢o⁢v⁢e⁢r is a list of topics that also must be covered. Assume that none of the segments in SegsS⁢e⁢g⁢s cover any of the topics in To_CoverT⁢o⁢_⁢C⁢o⁢v⁢e⁢r.

The neighbors of a node are obtained by first selecting a topic from To_CoverT⁢o⁢_⁢C⁢o⁢v⁢e⁢r. There is a neighbor for each segment that covers the selected topic. [Part of this exercise is to think about the exact structure of these neighbors.]

For example, given the aforementioned database of segments, the neighbors of the node ⟨[welcome,robots],[]⟩⟨[w⁢e⁢l⁢c⁢o⁢m⁢e,r⁢o⁢b⁢o⁢t⁢s],[]⟩, assuming that welcomew⁢e⁢l⁢c⁢o⁢m⁢e was selected, are ⟨[],[seg2]⟩⟨[],[s⁢e⁢g⁢2]⟩ and ⟨[robots],[seg0]⟩⟨[r⁢o⁢b⁢o⁢t⁢s],[s⁢e⁢g⁢0]⟩.

Thus, each arc adds exactly one segment but can cover one or more topics. Suppose that the cost of the arc is equal to the time of the segment added.

The goal is to design a presentation that covers all of the topics in MustCoverM⁢u⁢s⁢t⁢C⁢o⁢v⁢e⁢r. The starting node is ⟨MustCover,[]⟩⟨M⁢u⁢s⁢t⁢C⁢o⁢v⁢e⁢r,[]⟩, and the goal nodes are of the form ⟨[],Presentation⟩⟨[],P⁢r⁢e⁢s⁢e⁢n⁢t⁢a⁢t⁢i⁢o⁢n⟩. The cost of the path from a start node to a goal node is the time of the presentation. Thus, an optimal presentation is a shortest presentation that covers all of the topics in MustCoverM⁢u⁢s⁢t⁢C⁢o⁢v⁢e⁢r.


Suppose that the goal is to cover the topics [welcome,skiing,robots][w⁢e⁢l⁢c⁢o⁢m⁢e,s⁢k⁢i⁢i⁢n⁢g,r⁢o⁢b⁢o⁢t⁢s] and the algorithm always select the leftmost topic to find the neighbors for each node. Draw the search space expanded for a lowest-cost-first search until the first solution is found. This should show all nodes expanded, which node is a goal node, and the frontier when the goal was found.


Give a non-trivial heuristic function hh that is admissible. [Note that h(n)=0h⁢(n)=0 for all nn is the trivial heuristic function.] Does it satisfy the monotone restriction for a heuristic function?

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Assignment Details

Prepare an in-depth analysis of case studies

  • This is an individual assessment, . It requires effort and critical thinking
  • Answer all the questions listed below the case.
  • The ‘answers’ to the questions are best formulated by reviewing the case and the reading materials up
  • The best analysis will abstract the case content by applying the reading materials to draw broader lessons about the material
  • no Plagiarism
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Critical Thinking: Security Policies (50 Points)

The policies that organizations put in place are similar to laws in that they are directives for how to act properly. Like laws, policies should be impartial and fair, and are often founded on ethical and moral belief systems of the people who create them. In some cases, especially when organizations expand into foreign countries, they experience a form of culture shock when the laws of their new host country conflict with their internal policies.

Suppose that SLS Corporation has expanded its operations into your country. Setting aside any legal requirements that SLS make to its policies to conform to your local laws, does SLS have an ethical imperative to modify its policies to better meet the needs of its stakeholders and their geographical region/country?


  • Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.
  • You must include a minimum of two (2) credible sources. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.
  • Your paper must follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, as appropriate.

There is SafeAssign Plagiarism Checker, If your score is above 25%, you will want to edit your assignment before submitting it for grading.

course name: CS562 – Enterprise Cybersecurity

Course Materials: Whitman, M. E., & Mattord, H. J. (2018). Principles of information security (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285448367

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This assignment has three parts:

Part 1: Written post (1-2 paragraphs) on analyzing the policing styles used by SVSU PD.

Part 2: Written Post (1 paragraph) on the necessary qualities vs. ideal qualities of a police officer.

Part 3: Annotated Bibliography Practice Entry #3


Based on the materials below, answer each of the following questions in a written post (Use paragraphs, general essay format. You may use numbering to keep the points straight if needed).

Use examples drawn from the readings. Please cite (use page numbers) where you are referring back to the information using the in-text parenthetical citation format for APA 6th edition.

  • Example: (Cole, Smith & DeJong, 2016, p. 153)
  1. Examine the SVSU monthly crime reports for at least two consecutive months (ex: August/September, or March/April, etc.)
  2. Provide a correctly formatted end reference citation for the SVSU Police department website.
  3. Based on the types of crimes reported and their disposition, explain which of the three styles of policing in James Q. Wilson’s model appear to the most prominently used by the SVSU PD.
  4. In your answer, define each of the three styles and explain which crimes listed in the reports you examined match the styles.
  5. Examine crime reports from your hometown or community where you have spent a majority of your time (a place you know well). Which of the three styles are in your community?
    1. Provide at least one example of a crime from the most recent reports in your community to help illustrate the style you are writing about.
  6. How do communities influence police policy and police styles? Use a different example from the SVSU PD crime reports and your own town’s crime reports to illustrate your answer.


  1. Examine the relevant chapter sections on Police Recruitment, table 4.1, and Training, integrating these sections into your answer.
  2. What characteristics are necessary and basic requirements for police officers in general?
  3. Which characteristics are ideal for a police officer to have? In other words, what aspects, skills, personality traits, training, etc. would the best police officer have?
    1. Consider the impacts of police subculture, including elements of the working personality, police morality, isolation, and different types of job-related stress in your answer.


  1. Go to the SVSU Library Lib Guide for CJ:
  2. Use one of the databases in the library to find a book or book chapter related to your paper topic.
    1. Search for a book published within the past ten years and,
    2. Focuses on the United States Criminal Justice system and,
    3. Is the book published by a reputable academic or scholarly press.
    4. You may not use the textbook as your source

    3. Provide an end reference for the book or book chapter. You will need to use the correct format for either the ebook or print version of the book, depending on which version you are using. You will need to have the following elements in your citation in the correct APA 6th edition format to earn the full points on this portion of the assignment:

    1. Author name(s) or agency names for each chapter.
    2. The year the book or book chapter was published.
    3. Title of the book chapter
    4. Title of the book.
    5. The name of the editor(s) if the book is an edited volume with separate chapter authors.
    6. The edition number (if available)
    7. Location of the publisher (city and state/country)
    8. Name of the publisher OR
    9. for ebooks list the web address or URL

    4. Below the end reference citation for the book or book chapter, you will need to write a thorough summary of the information contained in the book or book chapter (1-3 paragraphs depending on the length of the book).

  1. After you’ve found an appropriate book or book chapter, skim through the table of contents and the primary section headings for the book or chapter. Write answers to the questions below and integrate each of the answers into your annotated bibliography summary in paragraph format.
    1. What is the book or book chapter about, and how does it connect to your topic area? (How many agencies, crimes, people, etc. were examined or analyzed)?
    2. When or over what period of time is the book or book chapter examining?
    3. Where was the main problem or issue studied in the book or book chapter (Name the people, organizations, law enforcement agencies, death penalty cases, etc. discussed)? In other words, what did the author(s) measure and how many “things” were measured?
    4. What are some of the significant findings in the book or book chapter?
    5. What are the problems or limitations the author(s) experienced while writing the book? What specifically do they report?
  2. At the end of the annotation, please write down any questions you had while reading your source. Were there confusing sections? Unfamiliar terms?

My Topic is : Causes of Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement.

Textbook Link:!pTw2xSxT!i0WkCRSjI5SaJrWanoqYvkl…

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To start, please watch this video:

I would like this week’s reflection to be a chance to search inside yourselves and discover a bit more about your identity. An identity which you have the ability to create, and recreate, and then recreate again if you feel the urge to do so. Always remember, the footprint and impact you choose to leave on this planet and our society is YOUR choice. Contrary to all the naysayers, this is YOUR life. Contrary to all the negative energy you may come across that seems so hard to avoid and not let affect you, this is YOUR life.

One of the joys I hope to bring to your lives is the discovery that you do in fact control your attitude, your future, and the influence you have on others around you (whether good or bad, this is your choice). Unfortunately, there is a tremendous amount of hatred circumventing our existence. This hatred spreads like wildfire and causes much violence and unrest within and across the many cultures of the world. Where and when does it stop? It stops from the realization that not only do you NOT have to be a part of it, but you can actually reverse it by spreading kindness and compassion to others. Kindness and compassion are contagious and can be taught and learned.

One way I have learned to teach this is by showing others how to reflect on their daily habits and unveil the subconscious thoughts and attitudes that perpetuate these same habits. Meditation is an amazing tool to help one search inside themselves, by using brief moments in our chaotic daily lives to think, and exist, at a much deeper level through reflection and awareness. Slow, deep, full breaths help us slow down the world around us in order to see things a bit more clearly. Clearly enough to recognize the potential that you possess. The potential to help others in need. The potential to bring a greater sense of fulfillment to your own lives.

Now, please watch this video.

Take a moment at this point to sit up in a tall, comfortable position……. and breath…… slow…. deep…. breaths…. please take as long as feels good here before you continue….

Hopefully you are feeling a bit more relaxed and thinking a bit more clearly now. Maintaining your composure, please answer the following questions. Be honest. As always, no judgment on my end. Since your classmates may also be reading your post only share what you feel comfortable with others reading. *Be sure your total response is at least 500 words.

(1) Are you happy with what is currently going on in your life? Why? Why not?

(2) Envisioning your ideal future, what are a few major achievements you will fulfill?

(3) What are your honest thoughts about and past experiences with meditation? (I 100% promise I would never make a negative judgment based on your response).

(4) Why do you think you feel this way?

(5) Do you believe you are in control of your life? Why is this?

(6) What do you think is the connection between Search Inside Yourself and Intercultural Communication Competence?

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  • Questions:
  • What is the value of Security Plans, Policies, Procedures, and Models? (What is the purpose or
  • values of each and how do they relate to each other?) (in terms of data context)
  • Share any experience involving “dirty data” from your personal or working environment. (If you cannot identify one, provide a hypothetical situation.) Give a reasonable explanation for it and how it could have been prevented. Discuss how data pre-processing would address this issue. Be sure to relate your discussion with the textbook readings in order to get full credit.
  • What is discretization?
  • Provide a one-paragraph discussion for each of equalinterval, equal frequency, k-means clustering discretization.
  • Compare and contrast the discretization methods above providing at least one example of when you would use each one.
  • Discussion of when and why variables should be removed from a dataset.
  • Why is it important to handle missing values in your dataset prior to beginning your primary data analysis? Provide a one-paragraph, masters-level response in your own words.
  • Describe at least one alternative approach for handling missing values other than replacing the values with the attribute mean. Provide a one-paragraph, masters-level response in your own words.
  • Discus where you provide at least two reasons why data should be sorted.
  • Discus in a one-paragraph, masters-level interpretation of what the plot function shows.

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Of the 6 ethical guidelines, which do you feel is the most important? Discuss the impact that guideline could have on your readers.

source using APA style.

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