Capstone Change Project Outcomes After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list of three to five outcomes for your proposed intervention. Below each outcome, provide a one or two sentence rationale. The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan. APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

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Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 27” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice . Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

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Assignment: Practicum Journal Entry: Analyzing an Ethical Decision In your role as a PMHNP, you will encounter several situations that will require your ability to make sound judgments and practice decisions for the safety and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. There may not be a clear-cut answer of how to address the issue, but your ethical decision making must be based on evidenced-based practice and what is good, right, and beneficial for patients. You will encounter patients who do not hold your values, but you must remain professional and unbiased in the care you provide to all patients regardless of their socio-demographic and ethnic/racial background. You must be prepared to critically analyze ethical situations and develop an appropriate plan of action. For this Assignment, you review the literature and discover the various ethical dilemmas PMHNPs encounter and how these issues are typically addressed in your state. Learning Objectives Students will: · Analyze salient ethical issues in psychiatric mental health practice · Compare ethical dilemmas with state health laws and regulations · Analyze ethical decision-making processes To prepare: · Review literature for moral/ethical issues encountered by a PMHNP. · Select one of the articles you found that was published within the last 5 years to use as a focus for this assignment. Write a 2-page paper in which you do the following: · Summarize the moral/ethical issue in the article (no more than 1 paragraph). · Describe the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the issue. · Analyze the ethical issue and compare them to the state health laws and regulations in your state.(Texas) · Outline the process of ethical decision making you would use to address this ethical dilemma. Note: Be sure to use the Practicum Journal Template, located in this week’s Learning Resources. see class rules Use subheadings when writing cite scholarly resources including peer-review journals and current practice guidelines A clear purpose statement (The purpose of this paper is to…) is required in the introduction of all writings Please all bullets points, bold, red and highlighted area must be attended to.

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Lesson 4 Assignment 4.1 Due: Dec 8 at 11:59pmCalendar Public Speaking DetailsAssignment 4.1: Developing Purpose and Thesis Statements This assignment supports the following lesson objective: 4.2 Prepare purpose statements and thesis statements for speech topics Assignment Overview This writing assignment provides you with practice selecting a topic and developing purpose and thesis statements for different types of speeches. Deliverables A one-page paper (12-point font, about 300 words) written in a word processor, such as MS Word Assignment Details In this activity, you will select a topic of your choice and write specific purpose and thesis statements based on that topic for an informative, persuasive, and celebratory speech. Perform the following tasks: Step 1: Imagine that you need to submit a proposal for an informative speech, a persuasive speech, and an entertaining or celebratory speech about one topic of your choice. If your proposal is accepted, you will have 30 minutes to present your speech. Step 2: Copy the table below and paste it into your word processing (such as MS Word) document. Topic General PurposeSpecific PurposeThesis Inform Persuade Audience Entertain/Celebrate Step 3: Enter a topic suitable for the scenario presented in Step 1 in the Topic column of the table. Step 4: In each of the three Specific Purpose cells, enter a specific purpose that matches the corresponding general purpose statement. Step 5: In each of the three Thesis cells, enter a thesis based on the corresponding specific purpose statements. Assignment 4.2: Get to the Point This assignment supports the following lesson objective: 4.3 Apply standard methods for creating fully developed speech topics Assignment Overview This writing assignment explores the importance of clear and meaningful thesis statements in the process of developing a speech. Deliverables A one- to two-page paper written using a word processor, such as MS Word. Assignment Details In this activity, you will use thesis statements as starting points to generate questions from which you can derive the main points for speeches. Perform the following tasks: Step 1: Review the information presented in the lesson that discusses using a thesis statement to determine the main points to include in a speech. A well-constructed thesis statement raises a question in the mind of the audience. To generate the main points to include in your speech, identify the question and the potential answers. Step 2: Open the document you created for Assignment 4.1: Developing Purpose and Thesis Statements. Step 3: For each of the three thesis statements you wrote for the topic you selected, identify one resulting question and generate at least three main points. Enter the thesis statement, question, and main points into your word processing document using the format in the example shown here. Example: Thesis Statement: The government should (or shouldn’t) provide health insurance coverage to all citizens. Question: Why should the government provide health insurance coverage to all citizens? Main Points: Health care is prohibitively expensive for citizens without health insurance. The first question you are asked when you call most doctors’ offices in the United States is, “What type of insurance do you have?” People without health insurance may be unable to get the health care they need.

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TOPIC: What Are the Data Saying? The DNP must have a basic understanding of statistical measurements and how they apply within the parameters of data management and analytics. This assignment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of basic statistical tests and how to choose the appropriate test for the study being performed. You will also discuss the reliability and validity factors associated with the data sources used. General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: · Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. · You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Directions: The purpose of this assignment is to write a paper including a comparison table. The table will be provided as an appendix to the final paper. Using the GCU Library, locate a quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods article related to your DPI topic. You may reuse articles from Topic 1 assignment. Using the “Comparative Table Template,” create a table that compares quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods articles. Provide the table as an appendix to the paper. Organize the table according to the following. 1. Type of article. 2. Title of the article. 3. Type of analysis: Describe the process of analysis. There can be more than one. 4. Applicability of test: Describe other analyses that could be used and why? 5. Reliability and validity: Describe either the reliability and validity measures of tools used in the study or the techniques used to enhance reliability and validity in the study. Write a 1,000 to 1,250 word paper discussing the application of data analysis, reliability and validity, and assorted statistical tests used in health related research. Include the following in your paper: 1. State the types of study used in each article. 2. Discuss the types of statistical tests used within each article and why they have been chosen. 3. Discuss the applicability of the chosen statistical test and why the statistical test was chosen. 4. Discuss the differences between parametric and nonparametric tests and how they were applied in the articles you chose. 5. Evaluate how the factors of reliability and validity are accounted for in the articles (of instruments and surveys or in the design and data collection conducted). 6. Summarize how the chosen studies could be applied within the context of your practice. STUDY MATERIALS Read Chapters 2 and 3 in Clinical Analytics and Data Management for the DNP. URL: Flannelly, L. T., Flannelly, K. J., Jankowski, K. R. B. (2014). Fundamentals of measurement in healthcare research. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy , 20 (2), 75-82. URL: Revised standards for quality improvement reporting excellence: SQUIRE 2.0. (2017). URL:

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#1774870 Topic: Health Care Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced) Number of sources: 2 Writing Style: APA Type of document: Essay Academic Level:Master Category:   Nursing Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: INSTRUCTIONS AND TEXT BOOK PAGES ATTACHED.

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Groups 1 and 3 will present Case 1 on 09/20/2018. All groups will be required to turn in a position brief. For the position brief, please answer the nine questions listed below. Please include the questions with the brief. When answering the questions, please ensure to use all information given to the class as a reference. For the questions requiring external research, please ensure to cite the information.  The group presentation should be between 20-25 minutes. The presenting group will be required to provide at least four PowerPoint slides. One set of slides are to be given to the professor and the other three are to be distributed among the other groups. When presenting, business casual attire will be required. Non-business casual attire will result in a reduction of points. Please have the group leader submit an electronic copy of the brief [as a word document (.doc/.docx)] and (when applicable) the PowerPoint slides under the Tests and Quizzes section on blackboard by 11:59 PM Monday (09/24/2018). 1: Please provide a detailed summary of the case. Please ensure to include and discuss all relevant material . 2: Please discuss at least four challenges facing inner city urban hospitals today (e xternal research from respectable sources is required to answer this question) . 3: Please discuss the policy associated with the formation of 501C3 hospitals and the rationale associated with their existence. In addition, please discuss the community benefit obligations under the PPACA and how it may relate to Summit Regional Hospital (external research from respectable sources are required to answer this question) . 4: Please discuss the concept of population health management and what is needed to succeed in this environment (external research from respectable sources are required to answer this question) . 5: Please perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis on Summit Regional. Identify and explain at least four points for each category (please ensure to use information provided in the case to support your answer) . 6:  Please illustrate and discuss all of the steps in the Evidence Based Management (EBM) model to analyze three overall problems and arrive at three specific evidence based solutions. Please analyze the solutions separately and use a table/chart to organize/explain the points in the mode and also ensure to use information provided in the case to support your answer . 7: Please rank and explain the three evidence based solutions from most likely to implement to least likely to implement . 8: Please specifically identify how your group will implement the chosen solution and then identify how you will evaluate the effectiveness (impact) of the solution . 9: Please identify at least three examples of courses (taken during the HCA program), which were most applicable in helping to apply the material in the case. Please ensure to explain why these courses were chosen .

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Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 17 (section 17.4), 18 (section 18.3), 19 (sections 19.1, 19.2), 21 (sections 21.2, 21.4) Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following categories representing minority groups during 1880-1914: Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians Then, address the following for your selections: Explain the socio-economic status and challenges of your minority groups at the turn of the century. How did the Industrial Revolution affect your chosen minority groups? Analyze how the Progressives brought reform to your selected minority groups. Do you find that the Progressives were successful in making government responsive and improve the conditions of your chosen minority group? professor’s post: Welcome to Week 5 Discussion Board, which opens Monday, Sept. 30. We enter the Industrial Revolution, with its many good and bad facets. Yes, so many innovations and business enterprises, but oh so many people sacrificed and crushed in this age, including many immigrants, women, and even children (Outman & Outman, 2003). Many persons were attracted to the big cities with promises of work during this Industrial Age. Select two from the following and interact with their experiences. Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians You are welcome to find any other authoritative sources as well. Thanks! Reference Outman, J. L., & Outman, E. M. (Eds.). (2003). Industrial Revolution: Primary sources. Farmington Hill, MI: Thomson and Gale.

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As Dr. Rempher and Ms. Manna discussed this week, data from the NDNQI is used to improve nursing practices and support the strategic outcomes of an organization. This data is also used to create the Dashboard. The Dashboard, then, is used to create an action plan. Correctly interpreting information presented on the Dashboard provides nurses with a better understanding of the goals of the action plan. To prepare For this Assignment, use the Dashboard located in this week’s Resources, to interpret the data and frame a nursing plan based on best practices. · Review  the NDNQI and use of dashboards · Choose a Nurse-Sensitive Quality Indicator that needs improvement based on the data presented in the Dashboard. Reflect on how you would develop a nursing plan with suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area. · Develop a nursing plan that outlines suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area. · Provide at least five best practices from evidenced-based literature to support your nursing plan. Assignment · Draft a 4- to 5 page paper analyzing areas where there is good performance and areas of opportunity from the sample Dashboard. · Analyze the data provided in the Dashboard and select an area of performance that needs improvement. Include information on why this area was chosen. · Develop a nursing plan that includes suggestions on how to improve performance on the selected indicator. Be sure to provide at least five best practices from the evidenced-based literature to support your suggested nursing plan. Guide Provided a brief paragraph that included an overview of the assignment and its purpose. Presented an analysis of the data from the Sample Dashboard. Provide a thorough description of the area of performance selected that needs improvement and discussed the statistical findings and why the area was selected. Present a nursing plan on five or more best practices that could be implemented to improve performance on the selected indicator. Included how each best practice could address the selected performance. Each best practice must be supported by the professional literature. Provided a summary of the main points in the paper. APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″” margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarizing the source. Reference list is in alphabetical order, hanging indent, double spaced in format. Each specific entry contains all information required by APA format including author, year of publication, title of publication, pages, DOI, website, as appropriate.

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For this assignment, you will research risk management programs for health care facilities or organizations. Review the criteria below in order to select an exemplar that applies to your current or anticipated professional arena. ( Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully. ) TOPIC: Employee Training and Development Programs in Risk Management In a 1,250 word paper, provide an analysis that includes the following: Brief summary description of  the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific      audience, community-focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Description of the recommended administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization risk management program contrasted with the administrative steps and  processes you can identify in your selected example plan. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the      assignment successfully.) Analyze the key agencies and  organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care and the roles each play in the risk management oversight process. ( Occupational Safety and Health Administration) OSHA. Evaluation of the selected exemplar risk management plan regarding compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards relevant to   privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety. Proposed recommendations or  changes you would make to your selected risk management program example to      enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards. Minimum of three peer-reviewed references. No plagiarism please Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

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