Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop a 10-12-slide, presentation, Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length.

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Provide a Research Paper on the effects of immigration reforms and agriculture in the state of Mississippi? Provide at least one figure and one table to support your findings. Paper must include the following:

  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Who does the problem affect?
  • How does the problem affect them?
  • What are the causes of the problem?
  • What have been the major intervention to resolve or minimize the problems?
  • What were the reasons that the major interventions were less effective?
  • Research Questions
  • Research Hypotheses
  • Research Rationale
  • Research Purpose
  • Research Methodology
    • Research Design
    • Data Sources
    • Data Analysis
    • Limitations
    • Delimitation

Note: Proper references and citations is mandatory.

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Hi everyone

i need the defintion and example for each word from the book ;

The book is :

The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases | 11th Edition

What Is Affirmative Defense?

What Is An Answer?

What Is A Compliant?

performed Default Judgment?

What Is Discovery?

What Is Hearsay?

fWhat Is An Interrogatory?

What Is the Commerce Clause?

What Is Due Process Clause?

What Is Police Power?

What Is Probable Cause?

What Is An Assault?




Dram Shop Act

Intentional Tort

Punitive Damages

Transferred Intent

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everything is in this file

please read it carefully

all the informations are here


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1- write a summary about the following aspects of your chosen career (nursing) field: 1) training and other qualifications 2) potential earnings- nationally and Florida 3) additional career related resources you might find helpful in further career research 4) general current employment information 5) future job outlook

2- summarize your current marketability based upon your career research include the following information: 1) two skills you need to gain or improve upon 2) what typeof education could help you developed those two skills 3) a realistic estimate of where your skills place you in the salary range of your career field 4) your experience level of your career field 5) describe two strengths that will benefit you in your nursing career.


SN: as of right now i’m in school for my AS in nursing and i will be graduating in December 2019. I’m plaining on continuing my education further to be a nurse practitioner.

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– Word format only.

– Must mention question number clearly in the answers

– Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

– All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

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Financial Accounting – Assignment

In the Cases & Projects section at the back of Chapter 14 in your textbook, find and complete problem “CP 14-4 Present values.” Be sure to complete all steps and sections of the problem and show all your work. Clearly label your answers, and make sure your response to the pencil icon questions at the end of the problem are in complete sentences.

Project information has been attached.

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my topic is System Modeling in Healthcare for Disasters. I need 1 to 2 pages background (literature review) for all three uploaded articles. Notes: all three articles in one literature review.

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Crosby Manufacturing Corporation

Read the case Crosby Manufacturing Corporation (Page 203-206) from Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management Case Studies (Vol. Fifth edition). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

  • Examine the project management issues in the case, including concerns about the project, timeline, uncertainties about meeting timelines, and consequences.
  • Overview: In no more than one page, give an overview of the case and the project management issues to be covered in more detail in subsequent sections of the paper.
  • Discuss, in a logical order, the following topics. (You must determine the logical order of these topics as this is part of your grade. See the grading rubric in this week’s folder.). Organize your work using the headings listed in the beginning of each bullet item:
    • Challenges: Judge the challenges in managing a project such as this.
    • Impact of variability: Identify the impact of variability on project completion time.
    • Alternative strategies: Argue the alternative strategies to manage the project to meet client deadlines.
    • Project schedule: Explain the expected time to finish the project, and develop a milestone schedule with all major milestones. Identify if and how the project can be completed in eighteen months. Identify three of the potential schedule-related risks.
    • Implications of diversity/culture: Analyze the implications of diversity/culture. How these implications could change if the project was being managed in an international setting.
    • Performance improvement and closure: Anticipate the consequences and recommend project management principles and tools including auditing tools important to improve project performance. In addition, specify the project closure techniques that can be used to properly close the project.


  • Write a paper addressing the Crosby Manufacturing Corporation case. Your paper should be 8 pages in length, not including the required title and references pages and appendices. Diagrams, charts, figures, and tables should be placed in appendices and written about in the body of the paper. For more information see “How do I do an Appendix in APA style?” (Links to an external site.)
  • Support the paper with a minimum of three current (published in the most recent five years) scholarly, Of course, you may always exceed the minimum number of sources.
  • Format the paper according to APA format
  • Include an introductory section clearly stating your thesis and a mapping of what you will cover; the main body of your paper; and a conclusion. Be clear, concise, and focused. As noted above, organize your work using the headings listed in the beginning of each bullet item listed above.
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************** please add citations and references 🙂 ****

DQ one: Discuss characteristic findings of immune dysfunction for either hypersensitivity reactions or AIDS. Explain what symptomology the patient would exhibit and how these symptoms may complicate daily living and relationships.

DQ two: Discuss what symptoms are associated with anaphylactic shock and how the nurse differentiates these from other conditions or issues. What steps should be taken if the nurse suspects anaphylactic shock?

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