Writing Template for Observation of Infants and Toddlers 0-35 months
Observing and Analyzing Behaviors and Interactions
A. Physical Development (Key Element 1a)
Child #1:
- Age and Gender
- List 2 fine motor skills or milestones
- List 2 gross motor skills or milestones
- Using the developmental milestones described in the course content for this age child, how would you compare this child’s abilities to typical expectations? Name the expectation/milestone, then state your opinion. Avoid subjective language such as “the child is doing great”. Be specific about how their ability aligns with the expected milestone.
Child #2:
- Age and Gender
- List 2 fine motor skills or milestones
- List 2 gross motor skills or milestones
- Using the developmental milestones described in the course content for this age child, how would you compare this child’s abilities to typical expectations? Name the expectation/milestone, then state your opinion. Avoid subjective language such as “the child is doing great”. Be specific about how their ability aligns with the expected milestone.
B. Cognitive Development (Key Element 1a)
Child #1
- Age of child (reminder, do not include observations of children who have already had their 3rd birthday)
- State the stage of Sensorimotor development that the infant or toddler demonstrates
- Describe the child’s behaviors that helped you make your identification
Child #2
- Age of child (reminder, do not include observations of children who have already had their 3rd birthday)
- State the stage of Sensorimotor development that the infant or toddler demonstrates
- Describe the child’s behaviors that helped you make your identification
C. Language Development
Pair #1
- Milestones (Key Element 1a)
- Age of Child (still between 0-35 months)
- Identify the language milestones exhibited using expectations from the course content and compare their language development to typical expectations for a child of that age.
B. Caregiver Influence on Language Development (Key Element 1b)
- Write out the interaction. Your record must include the verbal and nonverbal responses of both the child and the adult like a little script.
- State whether you felt the adult was supporting or inhibiting language development (pick one). If they were supporting language development, describe the strategy they used and why it supported language development. OR If they were detracting from language development suggest a strategy they COULD have used
Pair #2
- Milestones (Key Element 1a)
- Age of Child (still between 0-35 months)
- Identify the language milestones exhibited using expectations from the course content and compare their language development to typical expectations for a child of that age.
B. Caregiver Influence on Language Development (Key Element 1b)
- Write out the interaction. Your record must include the verbal and nonverbal responses of both the child and the adult like a little script.
- State whether you felt the adult was supporting or inhibiting language development (pick one). If they were supporting language development, describe the strategy they used and why it supported language development. OR If they were detracting from language development suggest a strategy they COULD have used
D. Social and Emotional Development (Key Element 1b)
Pair #1
- Age of Child (always between 0-35 months)
- Describe the interaction. The interaction must include both the verbal and nonverbal actions and responses from both the child and the adult. Again, kind of like a little video transcript.
- Provide a 1-2 sentence explanation, focused on the caregiver’s behavior or response that identifies the part of their behavior or response that is likely to influence the child’s social-emotional development. Make sure to include (and bold type) the name of Erickson’s stage in your explanation (Trust or Autonomy-pick one depending on the age of the child). If you find yourself writing about how the child feels… back up and redo. This is an analysis of the caregiver’s behavior.
Pair #2
- Age of Child (always between 0-35 months)
- Describe the interaction. The interaction must include both the verbal and nonverbal actions and responses from both the child and the adult. Again, kind of like a little video transcript.
- Provide a 1-2 sentence explanation, focused on the caregiver’s behavior or response that identifies the part of their behavior or response that is likely to influence the child’s social-emotional development. Make sure to include (and bold type) the name of Erickson’s stage in your explanation (Trust or Autonomy-pick one). If you find yourself writing about how the child feels… back up and redo. This is an analysis of the caregiver’s behavior.
Pair #3
- Age of Child (always between 0-35 months)
- Describe the interaction. The interaction must include both the verbal and nonverbal actions and responses from both the child and the adult. Again, kind of like a little video transcript.
- Provide a 1-2 sentence explanation, focused on the caregiver’s behavior or response that identifies the part of their behavior or response that is likely to influence the child’s social-emotional development. Make sure to include (and bold type) the name of Erickson’s stage in your explanation (Mistrust, or Shame/Doubt, pick one). If you find yourself writing about how the child feels… back up and redo. This is an analysis of the caregiver’s behavior.
Pair #4
- Age of Child (always between 0-35 months)
- Describe the interaction. The interaction must include both the verbal and nonverbal actions and responses from both the child and the adult. Again, kind of like a little video transcript.
- Provide a 1-2 sentence explanation, focused on the caregiver’s behavior or response that identifies the part of their behavior or response that is likely to influence the child’s social-emotional development. Make sure to include (and bold type) the name of Erickson’s stage in your explanation (Mistrust, or Shame/Doubt-pick one). If you find yourself writing about how the child feels… back up and redo. This is an analysis of the caregiver’s behavior.
Include the question in bold type with your answer.
- Based on what you observed for this assignment, what was one thing about infants or toddlers’ abilities, actions and/or reactions that interested or was new to you?
- Based on what you observed for this assignment, what is one thing you might say about the impact of the caregiver’s influence on a child’s psychosocial development?
- Describe at least one thing you learned from this assignment that you might use yourself, or share with others that would promote positive development for infants and toddlers.
Observation of Infants and Toddlers 0-35 months
CDE Majors: This is a Portfolio Collection Item for Standard 1 Save it for your portfolio in a future class.
This observation is one of two in this class that will demonstrate your ability to observe young children, identify developmental stages and milestones, and use the frameworks of well-recognized child development and early childhood education theories to analyze what is observed.
The required elements relate to Course SLO 1 Describe the development of children from conception through adolescence in the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive domains and SLO 3 Apply knowledge of development and major theoretical frameworks to analyze child observations.
And are aligned with the National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Preparation Standards
- 1a Knowing and understanding young children’s characteristics and needs, from birth through age 8; and
- 1b Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on children’s development and learning
- 7a. The program provides opportunities for all candidates to observe in at least two of the three early childhood age groups (birth-age 3, 3-5, 5-8)
Observation and Report Guidelines:
- A written report based on in-person observation of infants and/or toddlers ages 0-35 months.
- At least two infants and/or toddlers must be observed. They can be the same age or different ages. More can be observed if needed to find accurate examples of the developmental stages.
- You are responsible for finding children to observe. The data for this report can be gathered anywhere you might see infants/toddlers playing or where you might overhear verbal interactions for example while standing in line at the grocery store, or some other moment where you observe an interaction. Just make sure to ask the child’s age in a generic and friendly way such as -Oh your baby is so cute, how old is she? Observations can also be conducted in care and education settings such as child development centers and family child care homes, and/or in other informal settings such as neighborhoods, church nurseries, gatherings, grocery stores, and parks. Suggested observation locations for students local to Saddleback College
- Analyses are to be based on what is seen during the observation time for this report and not from previous knowledge of any child observed.
- Approximately 2 hours will be required to gather the required data. Observations do not have to be completed in one sitting or at one site. It is expected that students will continue to observe until they have clear examples for each of the required parts of this report even if it takes more than two hours.
- The final report must be typed, no larger than 11 font, no larger than 1-inch margins, and exactly use the bold and number organization modeled in the directions. The format is a graded element of this observation. A google doc template is available. Finished papers are typically about 4 pages long.
Section 1: Observing and Analyzing Behaviors and Interactions
A. Physical Development (Key Element 1a) 6 pts:
In a numbered list, describe the physical skills and abilities of the children observed for this report. Protect their identities. While you will need to ask the child’s age, do not include children’s real names in the observation. Analysis of two (2) children is required. Use the format as follows:
Child #1: (then repeat the set of questions for Child #2)
- Age and Gender
- List 2 fine motor skills or milestones
- List 2 gross motor skills or milestones
- Using the developmental milestones described in the course content for this age child, how would you compare this child’s abilities to typical expectations? Name the expectation/milestone, then state your opinion. Avoid subjective language such as “the child is doing great”. Be specific about how their ability aligns with the expected milestone.
B. Cognitive Development (Key Element 1a) 6 pts:
Observed behaviors will be analyzed in relation to Jean Piaget’s Sensorimotor stages. Connections will be explained by identifying a common characteristic of the stage. Make sure to pay attention to the general ages for each stage. Avoid assigning a stage that is typically identified with an infant either much older or younger than the infant you are observing. It is possible that children on the older end of the range might begin to demonstrate characteristics of Piaget’s Preoperational stage but those will not count for this observation. Focus your report on characteristics of the Sensorimotor stages.
Analysis of two (2) children is required These can be the same two observed for the physical development section or they can be different children. You can observe them at separate times or together. Format as follows:
Child #1 (then repeat list items 1-3 for Child #2)
- Age of child (reminder, do not include observations of children who have already had their 3rd birthday)
- State the stage of sensorimotor development that the infant or toddler demonstrates
- Describe the child’s behaviors that helped you make your identification
C. Language Development (12 pts)
The purpose of this section is not only to identify language milestones but also to build your awareness of how caregiver responses influence children’s development.
Analysis of two (2) child/adult pairs is required These can be the same children observed for any previous section or they can be different children and their caregivers.
Pair #1 (then repeat the same items for Pair #2)
- Milestones (Key Element 1a)
- Age of Child (still between 0-35 months)
- Identify the language milestones exhibited using expectations from the course content and compare their language development to typical expectations for a child of that age.
B. Caregiver Influence on Language Development (Key Element 1b)
- Write out the interaction. Your record must include the verbal and nonverbal responses of both the child and the adult, like a short script.
- State whether you felt the adult was supporting or inhibiting language development (pick one). If they were supporting language development, describe the strategy they used and why it supported language development. OR If they were detracting from language development suggest a strategy they COULD have used
D. Influences on Social and Emotional Development (Key Element 1b) 12 pts
In this section, observed interactions will be analyzed in relation to Erik Erikson’s first two stages of psychosocial development. You will observe parents and caregivers interacting with their infants and/or toddlers. The purpose here is to identify the influence that parents and caregivers have on the social and emotional outcomes of children.
You will describe 2 interactions between adult and child that could promote either trust or autonomy and a second 2 interactions between adult and child that could lead to mistrust or shame or doubt. That is a total of FOUR examples.
Generally, before a child is walking their stage is likely trust vs. mistrust and once they start walking focus on autonomy vs shame and doubt. Use that guideline to identify your stages accurately in relation to the age of the child.
Use the format below:
Pair #1 (then repeat the same items for Pairs #2, 3 and 4)
- Age of Child (always between 0-35 months)
- Describe the interaction. The interaction must include both the verbal and nonverbal actions and responses from both the child and the adult. Again, kind of like a little video transcript.
- Provide a 1-2 sentence explanation, focused on the caregiver’s behavior or response that identifies the part of their behavior or response that is likely to influence the child’s social-emotional development.
Make sure to include, in bold type, the name of Erickson’s stage in your explanation (Trust or Autonomy or Mistrust, or Shame/Doubt). If you find yourself writing about how the child feels… back up and redo. This is an analysis of the caregiver’s behavior.
- Age: 2 years 8 months
- Interaction: After putting the little girl in the baby swing, the teacher tries to buckle her but the child became upset and said “NO! Me do it” Teacher said “All right, you do it, tell me when you’re ready and stood near with an encouraging look on her face. The child struggled for some time but eventually clicked the two buckles together and exclaimed “ready!” and the teacher said “you did it!” okay let’s swing now.
- Explanation By the caregiver allowing a child to try, and having the patience to give the child enough time to succeed they can promote autonomy.
Section 2: Reflections (9 pts)
Include the question with your answer in bold type.
- Based on what you observed for this assignment, what was one thing about infants or toddlers’ abilities, actions and/or reactions that interested or was new to you?
- Based on what you observed for this assignment, what is one thing you might say about the impact of the caregiver’s influence on a child’s psychosocial development?
- Describe at least one thing you learned from this assignment that you might use yourself, or share with others that would promote positive development for infants and toddlers.
The overall quality of writing and use of format (5 pts)
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