The reflection is personal and should address and include certain sections as discussed below. It is NOT A SUMMARY of each the chapters or lectures. Length: Your reflection should be 4-5 pages in length double spaced 12 point font. Structure: Your reflection should have a title, a brief introduction, all 3 sections listed and explained below ( personal application reflection, class content reflection, and online class format/structure reflection ) and a conclusion. Additional content of personal experience is welcome although not required. Personal application reflection : this section should introduce and briefly explain one, two or three concepts from the chapter/s (e.g. ethnocentrism; high context; cultural shock…) this should not be more than half of a page in length at most. After you introduce the concept, you analyze it looking into how you may have seen it in your life and how; you should provide concrete examples from your life or that of other people close to you (e.g. gender roles, as I was growing up I was taught that…). If you disagree with the certain concept (e.g. the chapter says that Greek culture is high context in general and you disagree) you may provide arguments why you disagree. Please note that the sample personal application reflection is provided on blackboard and is a sample for content and not length nor in covers all required sections. Make sure that your transition between the concepts you choose to reflect on and discuss is smooth. Class content reflection: in this section you will focus on the material discussed in class e.g. the lectures, chapters and text, video links, activities and self-assessments, guest speaker recorded lecture, discussion boards, speakers and topics for extra credit opportunities…etc. In this section you will write your own assessment of all or some of these. Online class format/structure reflection: in this section please focus on the format of the class; you may discuss what worked for you? What did not work? What you liked and what you wished was different. While we all may have preferred the class to be face to face and you may mention this if you like, please focus in this section on the class’ online format itself. Other: you surly can add anything that you would like to share which you may not have mentioned in the other sections. Conclusion: Please conclude with a brief paragraph assessing your overall experience in this class.

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This is a Collaborative Learning Community assignment. Complete a 750-1,000 word rough draft of your research paper on a controversial topic involving a cultural identifier and the implications for K-12 public education.The final version will be submitted in Topic 7. Using a minimum of three scholarly journal articles from the last three years complete your paper so that it addresses the following: Describes the cultural identifiers discussed in the articles. Summarizes the historical background of the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic in K-12 education. Identifies 2-3 arguments presented for and 2-3 arguments against the issue. Discusses associated injustices arising from the issue, including how teachers and students are affected by the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic Explains solutions you recommend implementing to remedy the associated injustices, and why you selected them. Concludes by identifying where you fall on the cultural competence continuum in relation to the issue, including your commitment to understanding others’ frames of reference (e.g., culture, gender, language, abilities, ways of knowing), in order to reduce personal biases and improve relationships with colleagues, students, and students’ families. Share your rough draft with your CLC. In your CLC, review each paper and provide feedback. Your feedback should include at least two things that are done well, and three areas that need improving. Use the feedback you receive as preparation for and revision of your final assignment. Submit your rough draft with the peer feedback to your instructor. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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