GDP is used as the reference with respect to economic growth. You should research ONE of the aspects related to the concept and explain why you feel this is important and how it relates to the topic we are studying this week. Remember that this is an analysis of current events (or a historical overview) but do not repeat the textbook material. You will post and then you will be able to read what others have posted. You should then comment or ask questions of what has been posted.

Limit your selves to 250 words per post and include a live link to the article you are using.

1- How fast has the US GDP grown in the past 4 years or so and look at what industries played an important part in that growth, or reasons why growth was slow.

2- Pick a country and analyze their growth, how has the government helped/hindered, how do they relate to the US economy

3- How important is international trade to the US GDP? How will the trade negotiations impact the US GDP?

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Perspectives on Various Career And Workplace Experiences Presentations as follows

: The career counseling student must explore and understand their personal perspectives as it relates to many of the career and workplace experiences their clients are likely to face. There are a number of social and emotional experiences clients will encounter in the workplace or as they pursue opportunities for employment. The career counselor will only be able to provide quality career counseling service to their client if they are able to relate to the various career and workplace experiences their client is likely to face. This includes but is not limited to: socioeconomic level, racial and age discrimination, culture, gender, sexual orientation, family roles, and other factors. Purpose: The purpose of this project is for career counseling students to engage in the all-important function of personal introspection with respect to some of the salient themes in career and workplace experiences that a perspective client will almost certainly encounter. In doing so, students will develop a Power Point Presentation that illuminates their personal perspectives in relation to some of the selected emotional and social experiences your client may have to contend with. NOTE: This assignment is worth 75 POINTS towards your final grade. Assignment: Students will complete this assignment as follows:

1. Prepare a Power Point Presentation of clipart that is a representation of your personal perception for each of the topics mentioned below. After the title page (slide #1 example below), there will be one clipart slides for each of the following themes:

Slide #2. “Occupational Stress”

Slid #3“Personality Type” (Select one: Realistic; Investigative; Artistic; etc. Enterprising; Social; or Conventional)

Slide #4. “Being Fired”

Slide #5. ”Desired Employment” Slide

#6. “Work as a Psychological or Sociological Process

” (Select one.) 3. For each clipart selected students will provide a brief paragraph positioned underneath the clipart which explains why they selected that particular clipart and how it personally relates to them. (See format/example below). 4. The source of the clipart must be presented at the bottom of each slide. 5. In-class presentations of your project will begin 11-26-19 and conclude on 12-10-19 as per the group schedule. Students will present their project from a THUMB DRIVE. 6. After students have completed their presentation their project must be uploaded on the blackboard under (Research Project Drop Box) by midnight Tuesday April 23, 2019. 7. Students are not required to use color lettering as per the format sample below. CAREER CO

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Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan (100 points)

At the end of Week 4, your team will submit a substantial draft to your instructor for grading and feedback. Be sure to read Appendix A in the text and use the marketing plan outline (Links to an external site.) from the Files folder in Canvas. It is recommended that your team start working on your draft in Week 2 after your instructor has approved your topic. Complete as much as you are able in order to get an initial draft (approximately 75% of the final paper). Remember, the more you complete on this initial draft, the greater the input that the professor can provide and the less work your team will need to do for the final draft.

Each team member must submit a copy of the marketing plan draft to the Week 4: Course Project Draft Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor. This assignment eventually leads to a paer that is referenced below. I attached the topic proposal that the marketing plan is based on as well as the outline template

Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan

Draft Marketing Plan will be evaluated as follows.

Category Points % Description
Documentation and Formatting 5 5% Quality work includes a cover page, table of contents, proper in-text citations, and a reference page. The draft should be substantial, about 75% of the final draft, and follow APA guidelines.
Organization and Cohesiveness 20 20% Quality work is properly subdivided into sections with headings.
Editing 5 5% Quality work is free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs are clear, concise, and factually correct.
Content 70 70% Quality work includes a significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Quality work covers all the sections included in the marketing plan outline (except the executive summary, which is usually the last part of the plan that is written because it summarizes the entire plan). The content presented demonstrates an understanding of the material.
Total 100 100% A quality submission will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Use an online document sharing solution to work collaboratively with your teammates to write the marketing plan. Your final marketing plan must be 15–20 pages (minimum five pages per team member) in length, cover all sections of the marketing plan outline, use at least three research sources other than your textbook, and follow all APA guidelines. In Week 1, your team will submit a two-page topic proposal for instructor approval. In Week 4, your team will submit a substantial draft of your marketing plan for instructor feedback. Your team’s final marketing plan is due at the end of Week 7.

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in this format

Think of a topic for a public speaking assignment and the types of presentation aids you might use

Based on your topic, identify three advantages and three disadvantages of using presentation aids during a speech.

Three advantages are:

Three disadvantages are:

2) use two scenario in response

Suggest another presentation aid for other students to use based on their topic and explain why.

3) use two scenario in response

  • Do you think that most public speakers understand the importance of integrated communication? Why or why not?
  • Does learning about the correlation between verbal and nonverbal communication make you more aware of your own habits? How will you employ some of these steps in your own life?

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In this Assignment, you will learn more about the career of interest to you, by presenting your findings to your instructor and prospective students. This Assignment will help you to develop skills necessary for career development and job performance. Given the outcome of your research of career choices, you will demonstrate college-level communication through the process of oral delivery to present your findings. Use PowerPoint (or similar resource) to create your presentation. Will provide full instructions in private message.

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1- list requirements for RN Licensure in State of Florida

2- Be able to discuss the RN scope of practice and how it applies to them

3- Be able to process their RN licensure application

4- be able to discuss the requirements to maintain licensure

5- be able to discuss various violations/ situations that will place their license in jeopardy and/ or subject the RN to a disciplinary action


for content including all the above objective (15% for each objectives related content)

APA format citation

add a reference page

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his assignment is based on the September 26 and October 3 readings, as well as the documentary film. Regarding the film, since you have a word-length restriction, it suffices to mention how it connects to your overall argument.

Essay question: Write an opinion piece on the topic of ecology and globalization. In your discussion, relate to the key issues raised in the readings. Describe and evaluate the debate on globalization and environment. Where do you stand in this debate?

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Need help Argumentative essay 1750-2250 words with 5 scholarly sources…apa format…topic is capital punishment should be abolished in all states…

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Answer the following questions in 300 words or more :

1. Which policy evaluation method may be the most beneficial to evaluate national policy and why?

2. Which policy evaluation method is most beneficial to evaluate limited implementation (local) policy and why?

Please add references.

**There is no need for APA format.**

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How did the pilgrimages and crusades change, develop, or affect the art during the Romanesque period?

You must cite 2 examples from your study guide (if you desire, you may choose one that is not on your study guide but is included in the chapter) that illustrate Romanesque qualities or characteristics that were related to or developed because of the 11th and 12th century pilgrimages and crusades to the Holy Lands.

Please consider the following: What characteristics do the objects/architecture possess that help tell the story of the pilgrimages or crusades? Are they stylistic? utilitarian? Were the characteristics, for example of a church plan or exterior decoration, created to accommodate, educate, inspire pilgrims or crusaders? Were the Romanesque qualities just aesthetic or did they specifically serve a purpose?

Be sure you understand the meanings/purposes of pilgrimages and crusades before you write the essay. I want detailed descriptions of each object/building (dates, locations) and explanations of how the characteristics relate to the topic. Remember to proofread – read it aloud and listen for awkward sentences! Please use spellcheck.

300-400 words should suffice. You should always include an introductory statement and a conclusion.

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