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Week 5 – Final Project Summative Assessment – Balanced Literacy Plan Summative Assessment – Balanced Literacy Lesson Plan As you found in Week Four, there are many variations of balanced literacy. The main consistencies are that balanced literacy includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition, the main blocks of balanced literacy are known as Read-Aloud/Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Word Study, and Independent Reading. For your final assignment, you will create a balanced literacy lesson plan for grades pre-K to third. In a 10- to 12-page paper (not including title and reference pages) written in APA style, include the following components: Grade Level (pick a grade from pre-K to third) Anchor Standard Text—include author/illustrator, title, brief summary Complete this chart. Make sure all your activities support each other and align with the anchor standard. See below for guidance/prompts. Balanced Literacy Block Your Example Read-Aloud/Shared Reading Word Study Guided Reading Independent Reading Explain how reading, writing, listening, and speaking are promoted in your lesson plan. (All four should be featured in each block.) Describe how your activities support the anchor standard. Describe your assessments. How do these assessments evaluate students’ reading skills and/or progress? Discuss the benefits of teaching from a balanced literacy approach. Below are some prompts to help you plan your balanced literacy blocks: Balanced Literacy Block Guidance—Do not include this column in your chart Read-Aloud/Shared Reading (30 minutes) Revise your Week Four, Discussion 1 assignment. In this block, the teacher activates prior knowledge and interactively reads aloud a piece of quality writing to the whole class. The teacher will stop at planned points to ask a variety of questions that elicit student response. Following the teacher’s modeling and prompting, students learn to think deeply about text, to listen to others, and to develop their own ideas. This block is not meant for students to just listen to the teacher reading aloud; it is designed for students to interact with the teacher and learn how to think about text from the teacher. The teacher uses this time to explicitly model reading strategies and skills that the students need to learn. For younger readers, you might want to read from a “big book” that has large print and pictures. Logistically, you could also use the document camera to show the book pages on the big screen. Traditionally, teachers have read on the carpet as well. You need to somehow arrange it so students can see your text. Describe or show via video how you will read aloud the text and how you will model questioning and thinking strategies. Be very specific about listing the questions you will ask and at which points in the book or text you will ask the questions or model the critical thinking. Indicate page numbers, etc. Write this out so that a substitute teacher can implement your lesson plans. Word Study (10 minutes) Revise your Week Four, Discussion 2 assignment. In this block, the teacher works with the whole class to develop word study or vocabulary skills. Word study is the study of our alphabetic symbol system. This includes mini-lessons that address one of more of the following: phonics (letter/sound relationships), morphemic analysis (using word parts to denote meaning), and automaticity for sight words. Word study involves both the decoding (reading) and encoding (phonics and spelling) of our symbol system; the objectives of word study are to help students make meaning from an author’s message and to help them convey meaning in their own messages. Describe one word study activity that supports your Read-Aloud and that can be implemented to the whole class. How would you present this to your whole class? How will you facilitate the students’ learning and make sure they are all engaged and challenged? Write this out so that a substitute teacher can implement you…

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Preparing for Assessment Lesson Plan Select a secondary grade level and content area. Identify a corresponding state standard from your state and create a lesson plan using the “COE Lesson Plan Template.” Be sure to include: Lesson      summary including state standard. Outline      of the classroom and student factors, including grade level and content. Two      learning objectives. Instructional      activities that correlate to the objectives. A      description of the type of assessment you will use and why. A      pre-assessment method. Prior      knowledge necessary. Additionally, write a 500-750 word reflection on the lesson plan that you created, justifying your decisions regarding the planning, instructional opportunities, and assessment types used. Reflect mainly on the process of preparing/choosing assessments and providing accommodations. Explain how the plan is designed to meet the needs of students at varying levels of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. Cite and reference 2-3 scholarly articles. Submit the lesson plan and the reflection as one deliverable.

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Reflect on your coursework in your program of study( Autism Spectrum Disorder ). Choose one experience ( attached Collaboration Model)from this program that aligns to Council for Exceptional Children Advanced Preparations Standard 2. Use and label each key element in the paper. Use the attachment “Week 2″ as an example to follow. Use the attached ” Alex and paulo case” as the assignment that you are referring to throughout this assignment. Please review the attached rubric.  While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and 4 references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, Advanced Preparation Standard 2: Curricular Content Knowledge 2.0Special education specialists use their knowledge of general and specialized curricula to improve programs, supports, and services at classroom, school, community, and system levels. Key Elements 2.1Special education specialists align educational standards to provide access to challenging curriculum to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities. 2.2Special educators continuously broaden and deepen their professional knowledge and expand their expertise with instructional technologies, curriculum standards, effective teaching strategies, and assistive technologies to support access to and learning of challenging content. 2.3Special education specialists use understanding of diversity and individual learning differences to inform the selection, development, and implementation of comprehensive curricula for individuals with exceptionalities.

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Interview one content area classroom teacher that services ELLs in a  Title 1 setting about how assessment is used for placement. You should  also inquire also about how placement is determined for both special  education and gifted ELLs. Your questions might include, but not  limited to, the following: What are the indicators of exceptionality a classroom teacher    should look for when a student also has a language barrier? How do informal and formal assessment results factor into  placement? What role do parents and teachers have in  placement? What are some primary factors that are exhibited    in underachievement that may not necessarily signal special    education needs? How are changes among individual ELL    proficiency levels over the course of the school year accounted  for? How are diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments    integrated for ELLs in mainstream classrooms? What are the    benefits of the SIOP protocol for native English speakers as well as    those for whom English is an additional language? Consolidate your findings in a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation  to inform your colleagues about the assessment and placement process. Describe the content and use of the Arizona English Language Learner  Assessment (AZELLA) in guiding ELL instruction. How do AZELLA score  reports facilitate achievement among ELLs? Compare the use of the  AZELLA to the assessment and placement process in your state. If your  state is Arizona, you may elaborate on this process. How does the  assessment and placement process in your state facilitate achievement  among ELLs? Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. Include presenter’s notes, a title slide, and a reference slide.

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Instructions Submit Milestone Two. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. You will submit a two to five page paper that meets the listed requirements.

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In this activity, you will develop a formal presentation that communicates the overall scope of the Project and an understanding of the applicable Core Program Outcomes as they relate to your project. The last slide of the presentation will be a one slide SWOT analysis of your project from the student perspective. You will develop the SWOT analysis from the guidelines provided. The required formal presentation should not be any longer than 15 minutes in duration. The scope of the presentation is largely dependent upon the project itself. It should be of sufficient detail to fully explain the scope of the project as it relates to the Core Program Outcomes. It is recommended that one slide is used for each Core Program Outcome and one for the SWOT. The presentation will include an explanation of the student’s critical SWOT analysis as it relates to the project. Core Program Outcomes: 1. Aeronautical Science: The student will show evidence of advanced concepts of aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics to solve problems commonly found in their respective industries. 2. Aviation Legislation and Law: The student will show evidence of the basic concepts in national and international legislation and law as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industries. 3. Aviation Safety: The student will show evidence of basic concepts in aviation safety as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industry. 4. Aviation Management and Operations: The student will show evidence of sound, ethical, management principles within standard aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics operations. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis: This presentation must address the core program outcomes; as part of this presentation, you will use critical thinking to present a SWOT analysis of your project highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within your problem-solving project. Perform a SWOT analysis using your project as the base of your analysis. Use a quadrant style format to conduct the SWOT analysis. You may use the SWOT template attached as a guide but it is not a requirement. Your analysis of your project must include a minimum of three bullet points for each of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Afterwards, compile a brief summary of your SWOT analyses into a one-page document. Provide relevant details from the SWOT analyses to support your choices. Be sure to answer the following questions: Does your project have unacceptable weaknesses or threats? Are the strengths and opportunities better for one of the platforms?

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Each group will write-up the Findings Section to the case study that was completed using the corresponding weekly SPSS Worksheet.  Using the Example Write-up as a guide, the assignment will be complete in two parts: working individually (Part 1) and working in a small group of around five members (Part 2). Part 1: Complete the week’s corresponding scenario on your own by writing a Findings Section . You must submit your write-up through the Group Discussion Board submission link by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned module/week in order to receive full credit for this assignment. Each team member will submit his/her own write-up as a thread. Part 2: Review each of your group members’ write-ups and work together to create the best Findings Section . Once the group has completed the write-up together, one member of the group will submit the finalized group write-up via the Bb link by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same modules/weeks.

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Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook: Parenting Roles [CLO: 4] Throughout this course you will develop a Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook that demonstrates your knowledge, learning, and personal philosophy developed during this course. In Weeks 1 through 5, you will add a new section to this guidebook, with a specific focus on partnerships with children, families, and communities. In Week 6, you will present your cumulative guidebook, as the Summative Assignment, by developing an audio, video, or multimedia presentation to show your work. The purpose of this guidebook is to demonstrate your philosophy of how to develop and maintain effective partnerships with children, families, and communities in your role as an educator. To help you better understand how to develop an excellent Guidebook, please see this week’s Instructor Guidance for explicit modeling, examples, and resources. The final guidebook, developed in Weeks 1 through 5, will include the following sections: Parenting Roles Beginning Early Childhood Education Professional Family Partnerships Maintaining Early Childhood Education Professional Family Partnerships Families, Communities, and Advocacy Family Behaviors, Circumstances, and Diversity This week you will begin developing your Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook. More specifically, you will be completing the Parenting Roles section. This week’s readings include the American College of Pediatricians (2013) position statement on the rights, roles, and responsibilities of parents. This resource presents seven distinct roles that families play in modern day parenting. The family’s role often has a direct impact on the developing child, as well as those to who educate them. It is important that early childhood professionals are knowledgeable of various parenting styles so that they can best support children’s development, along with supporting parental growth and learning. Guidebook Setup: You may choose one of the tools below to create your Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook, utilizing either a text-based guidebook or electronic guidebook. Select one tool that you will use and add to each week to create your guidebook: Text-Based Guidebook: MS Word Document or .pdf, including text and images. Electronic Guidebook: Google Sites (Links to an external site.) , Weebly (Links to an external site.) , or Wix (Links to an external site.) Guidebook Title Page : Your Guidebook title page will help create a professional and knowledgeable image of who you are as an expert in family and community partnerships. Please include your name, title of your guidebook, and at least one relevant visual. Guidebook Parenting Roles Section: For this section, you are going to create a Parenting Roles newsletter that you can share with the families in your care. Create a one to two page newsletter that summarizes the seven roles that a parent or guardian plays in a child’s life at school and at home. Explain the potential positive and negative implications of the parental role. Finally, recommend one helpful resource that supports collaborative family relationships between the early childhood professional, parents or guardians, and the child. Content Expectations: Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook Title page: Set up your Children, Families, and Communities Guidebook with a title page, including your name, title of your guidebook, and at least one relevant visual. Parenting Roles Newsletter: Using Chapter 3 from the Gestwicki text as a guide for the seven parenting roles, create a newsletter that includes the following: Summarize each of the seven roles that parents or guardians play in the lives of their children at home and at school. Explain how each of the seven roles can directly impact children at home and at school, both positively and negatively. Recommend at least one resource that a family might use to learn about an aspect of child development or parenting. Please i…

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This assignment is part of the larger benchmark assignment that will be due in Topic 6. In this topic you will complete the “Unwrapping the Standards” Template which contains some of the planning elements within a lesson plan. Complete the “Unwrapping the Standards” template by including: A grade level (1-8) of students based on the strengths and diverse backgrounds of the students in the “Class Profile.” A standard from the Reading Standards for Informational Text strand from the Arizona English Language Arts (ELA) Standards, Common Core, or the ELA equivalent from your state. Your learning objective (refer to your textbook for guidance on writing objectives). An informational text from Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks. Check the table of contents for suggested informational texts for the grade level of your choice. Choose an informational text that you have access to or can obtain from your local library. A few sentences that briefly summarize your lesson and its central focus. A list of instructional materials, equipment, and technology to be utilized for this lesson. use the Rubic aand the materia attached below

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