Complete the Week 4 Exam in McGraw-Hill Connect.

Note: You have 2 attempts to complete this assignment in Connect. You do not need to submit an attachment for this assignment. Your grade for this assignment will display once your instructor has reviewed your work. No need to worry, this might happen after the due date. If you have completed your homework before the due date, disregard any late notices.

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  • Please double-check grammar and spelling, as points will be deducted for typographical errors.
  • You will be evaluated on how well your responses synthesize with and incorporates material from the readings.
  • **IMPORTANT** incorporate as much from the readings as possible!!!
  • APA format

Required reading before you begin the assignment:


After reading about narratives in the first two assigned readings, go back to your introductory post the first week of the semester, and tell the class what narrative (if any) your story represents. Do the same for a classmate’s post.

Provide at least one example as to why you believe the story fits the narrative (for your post and your comments on your classmates’).

Make sure to copy/paste the first part of your introductory post to start your post; your interpretation to follow.

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Please see the below the questions below that I would like to have individually answered. This assignment must consist of 1200+ words with 3 Scholarly Sources, the below reference must be used as one source. Please put the question number by the answer so that I know what answer goes with each question.**NO PLAGIARISM WHATSOEVER**

Recent Reforms: Merit, Management, and Politics

1. What are the three major themes or aspects of recent civil service reforms?

2. Has recent civil service reform been driven more by political ideology or technical personnel management concerns?

3. What are two elements of an effective equal employment opportunity policy?

4. Why were early efforts to combat historic patterns of discrimination grounded on Presidential Executive Orders? What were the most important of those orders?

5. What were the conditions that gave rise to affirmative action in the federal civil service?

The Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity

6. What are the various forms of affirmative action and what are their implications for the principle of nondiscrimination?

Textbook and Reference is attached below:

Nigro, L. G., & Kellough, J. E. (2014). The new public personnel administration. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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We have Rodeway and you already worked on it and I will submit it was in the First part Memo1 and 2 that is from (Huron SD to Plankinton at South Dakota State on US) around (60 Miles) ,Please see a map for more consideration, and you can take look at all references I attached here and you must follow the instruction on file Project Task 03 Vertical Profile and Earthwork/Mass Balance. the second important file is (Profile Vertical Curve Report From AutoCAD 3D Civil) that one I got from AutoCAD.

And I attached some fuel examples and it’s some part from it and is going to help you and it will give you some idea about of previous papers to get some idea under Model and Format Memo 3.

Note: you may assume any numbers that you couldn’t figure out where it comes from and highlight it.

if you need any Questions let me know.

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The project is to be 1000 – 1500 words long (i.e. roughly 3-4 pages double spaced of main body; in addition, you must have a title page and references page). Be sure to cite specific references in APA format from both your book/class notes and outside sources. Students are required to cite their movie and at least 1 source in addition to their textbook from which they gather their information. You may use additional primary (Journal Articles) or secondary (Textbooks) sources. Although you might use tertiary sources (Websites / Wikipedia / Blogs), I will not count any tertiary sources as meeting the minimum reference requirement. Be sure to also reference your movie.

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I need it done within 2 hrs or even less, each case 100 words question (21 to 25). Easy task!!

Just answer the questions briefly.

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Within the last couple of years, Five Guys Burgers and Fries and Chipotle Mexican Grill have opened locations in the same shopping center, and Panera’s Bread has opened a location across the street from them. Discuss at least five factors Five Guys and Chipotle likely considered in choosing the specific site on Dawson Road. What role did a pneumatic road tube traffic counter or a similar kind of device likely play in assessing the vehicular traffic of the site they chose? How accessible is the site? Do you think the two of them will benefit from cumulative attraction by being in the same shopping center ? Why or why not? In at least 200 words respond to aforementioned questions. You should use the APA style to cite at least four references.

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I need you to log in to my pearson, click BITM 215. Then find and double-click Assignment Calendar. Then click “To Do.” I need you to complete All chepter which is due on 9/20. I need to emphasize that the workload will be a bit heavy. If you agree, please hit me up. I will give you my Pearson account for the time being. Thank you.

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Read the article titled below and answer the questions regarding the reading.

Islamic Thinking and the Internationalization of Human Rights by Mahmood Monshipouri

A. Read Monshipouri’s Islamic Thinking and the Internationalization of Human Rights, available in Course Materials, Folder on Families of law; I will ask some of the content for the midterm and final.

B. Answer the following questions and post them on BB.

1. Compare the “Western” and the “Muslim” perspectives, according to the text (.50).

2. Is Islamic law (Shari’ah) static or evolutionary? Why? (.50).

3. Are external influences to obtain change in Islamic law effective? Why/why not? (.50).

4. Name the most influential figure, according to the text, who proposes an internal approach to obtain change in Islamic law. What does he propose? (.25).

5. In your opinion, what are the advantages/disadvantages of “internal cross-cultural dialogue”? (.50).

6. According to Monshipouri, what position does the Muslim world adopt vis-à-vis women, religious freedom, democracy and economic rights? (.50).

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Topic 1: Gary Theater is in the Hoosier Mall. A cashier’s booth is located near the entrance to the theater. Two cashiers are employed. One works from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., the other from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Each cashier is bonded. The cashiers receive cash from customers and operate a machine that ejects serially numbered tickets. The rolls of tickets are inserted and locked into the machine by the theater manager at the beginning of each cashier’s shift.

After purchasing a ticket, the customer takes the ticket to a doorperson stationed at the entrance of the theater lobby some 60 feet from the cashier’s booth. The doorperson tears the ticket in half, admits the customer, and returns the ticket stub to the customer. The other half of the ticket is dropped into a locked box by the doorperson.

At the end of each cashier’s shift, the theater manager removes the ticket rolls from the machine and makes a cash count. The cash count sheet is initialed by the cashier. At the end of the day, the manager deposits the receipts in total in a bank night deposit vault located in the mall. In addition, the manager sends copies of the deposit slip and the initialed cash count sheets to the theater company treasurer for verification and to the company’s accounting department. Receipts from the first shift are stored in a safe located in the manager’s office.

(a)Identify the internal control principles and their application to the cash receipts transactions of Gary Theater.

(b)If the doorperson and cashier decided to collaborate to misappropriate cash, what actions might they take?

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