There are various instructional strategies to use when teaching a new literacy concept to students. The I Do, We Do, You Do (IWY) method is a common best practice that can be adapted during instruction. This practice includes direct instruction (I Do), guided practice (We Do), and independent practice (You Do). Research various instructional strategies specific to concepts of print and phonemic awareness to teach new literacy concepts. Include the IWY method in your research. Describe how this strategy is implemented in grade levels K-8 and how it is effective as an instructional strategy in the classroom. In 500-750 words, create a literacy instructional plan for how you will apply the IWY method in your future classroom when introducing new literacy concepts. In your plan, be sure to address the following in your reflection: How the IWY model supports the introduction of new literacy concepts. How the IWY model creates and supports student engagement of typical and atypical students. How the IWY model supports differentiation to meet the diverse needs of students. Include any gaps that may be present in the IWY model. How you will use the IWY model in your future professional practice. Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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Preparing for The Learner Project PREPARING FOR THE LEARNER PROJECT This project is designed to evaluate your knowledge of The Learner.  You will apply your knowledge of the Learner to those learning strategies and activities you have observed in classrooms. Project 700.2 The Learner:  Observation Reflections Aligned to Theories of Child Development and Learning Theory Following the observation of each classroom, identify the activities that are developmentally appropriate. Activities should encompass physical, cognitive and affective development. Identify the theorist associated with each developmental level. Identify the use of learning styles(Brain-based learning) or multiple intelligences Identify the theorist associated with learning styles and multiple intelligences in each instance Identify the motivational strategies utilized by the teacher and the theorist associated with the strategies. You must have observed at least two classrooms. An exemplary rating requires at least three observations .  You may use either on-site or online observations.  As a reminder, our course 11.1 Field Experiences and Reflections is available on your canvas course list. Your paper should be written professionally. You are scored on the organization of the paper and your ability to write professionally. Your reflection and analysis of the classroom are important. See the rubric for specific criteria at each rating level. You may review a sample of an exemplary paper attached. Theorists you should utilize in this paper are the following: Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lev Vygotsky, Abraham Maslow, Madeline Hunter, Howard Gardner, Eric Jensen. You may also use outside research into these theorists to complete this assignment. For this project, you are scored according to the 700.2 Rubric . Please review this rubric carefully before beginning and submitting the project.  You must score at least 48 out of 60 points. You may submit up to four times or until you reach a passing score.

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Please choose ONE artwork from theTextbook in Chapter 1 or 2 and describe that artwork, in detail, through “active seeing”. This means use descriptive language and vocabulary such as iconography, content, subject matter, etc. Also, explain which role(s) of art this artist is employing and how/why you came to that conclusion. Please write which artwork you selected (title) in the intro paragraph, 1-2 pages, MLA format. Chapter One In Attached !

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ot all disabilities result in language deficits. For those that do, there are often common characteristics of how language is affected by that particular disability. Educators should be familiar with the language deficits that are common within each disability category, as well as the interventions that are often used in school settings to assist with them. Using this week’s readings, and your own independent research, research the following disability categories: Learning Disabilities Intellectual Disabilities Autism Auditory Impairments Acquired Language Disorders Using the provided “Language and Speech Disorder Matrix”, describe characteristics of common language deficits for each disability category. Also, for each disability category, include 1-2 examples of instructional or classroom intervention strategies that can be used to provide optimal learning opportunities for students with these exceptionalities. Be sure to cite your resources within the matrix. You may manipulate the provided “Language and Speech Disorder Matrix” required. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located on the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Your company produces jet skis for the U.S. market. One of your key suppliers of engine components has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy.   Your company is hitting its peak production season and has sales forecasts of 2,000 units per week for the next 12 weeks.   Your supplier has enough remaining inventory of components to support your production for 4 weeks. Create a 3 slides visual presentation with speaker notes that defines the methods that you will use to manage the current supplier situation, and explain how you will identify and onboard a new supplier to ensure the continued supply of components.   Only do the intro and conculsion ….. Describe the impact of the supplier’s previous Chapter 11 bankruptcy on potential supply.  Discuss your options relative to your customer communications during this critical period. Include examples of how other companies have worked with troubled suppliers and established risk mitigation techniques. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

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Use the following outline structure as you move through the assignment: Thoughts regarding the examination of language teaching beliefs (a few sentences) 1. I believe that… a. Specify and summarize SLA theory and how it relates to your belief b. Reflective example c. APA citation followed by summary – 2. I believe that… a. Specify and summarize SLA theory and how it relates to your belief b. Reflective example c. APA citation followed by summary – 3. ) I believe that… a. Specify and summarize SLA theory and how it relates to your belief b. Reflective example c. APA citation followed by summary – make 3 beliefs

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Use the Context for Learning Information to supply information about your school/classroom context. About the Placement and Your Role in the Focus Learner’s Instruction 1. Context for Learning a. Provide information about the context in which you teach so that another educator can understand your teaching decisions for the instruction in the learning segment. Address the following: Type of setting (e.g., first-grade classroom in an elementary school,  Where is the school where you are teaching located? (Type an “X” next to the appropriate description.) City: Suburb: Town: Rural: Your role in the focus learner’s instructional program (e.g., teach all academic subjects plus support a behavioral plan; pull out of general education classroom for supplementary instruction in reading; part of an instructional team; coordinate services to the family and model working with the focus learner) The schedule for instructional time with the focus learner for the learning goal (e.g., Tuesdays for 15 minutes; every day for six hours with two hours on reading instruction) The primary language of instruction, if other than English (e.g., ASL) b. Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher, or student teaching requirements or expectations (e.g., prescribed reading curriculum) that might affect your planning or instructional delivery. c. Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for instruction for the learning goal. If a textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication. d. If group instruction, describe the size and composition of the group (e.g., 6 special education learners; 3 learners with IEPs and 23 general education learners). About the Focus Learner 1. Age: 2. Gender (Type an “X” next to the appropriate description.): Male: Female: 3. Grade level: 4. Primary language (Type an “X” next to the appropriate description or provide information requested.): English: Bilingual in English and other language (please identify): Other language (please identify): 5. Describe the disability or disabilities as reported on the focus learner’s IEP. 6. List any type of augmentative or alternative communication used by the learner (e.g., communication boards, signing, AlphaSmart keyboard, optical-character-recognition devices, speech generation technology). 7. Describe any behavior management plans relevant for the focus learner. ON attached file create a lesson plan for focus learner

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Submit a 4- to 5-page literature review (comprising of six articles minimum; three quantitative and three qualitative) to include critical analysis and synthesis, as appropriate, related to your specific business problem . Note: This is not an “annotated bibliography” assignment. To prepare for this Assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources, and conduct a literature search for articles related to the “problem” or “phenomenon” you submitted as part of your Draft Business Problem Statement for your Week 8 Assignment in your previous course. Focus only on full-text scholarly or peer-reviewed articles or doctoral studies/dissertations. Narrow or broaden your results so that you have six (three quantitative and three qualitative) viable scholarly sources.

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This is a reflective essay based on the readings about Socrates’ Trial and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, discussed in chapter 3 of the eText. In a brief essay, 5-7 paragraphs, submitted as a file document, double-spaced with two short supportive quotes (short quote means 40 words or less), and the rest being your own reflections based on the reading and answering any TWO of the following three questions: [a] From Socrates’ “Apology” – How did Socrates go about trying to disprove the Oracle of the god about who was the wisest person in Athens, and what do you think this shows about the nature of wisdom in Socrates’ philosophy?  What does it mean to be wise?  Have you ever known someone you considered wise?  If so, what were they like?  If not, why do you think such persons are rare? [b] From Socrates’ “Apology” – What are two of Socrates’ several opposing arguments about death not being something that he should fear?  Why do you think so many people fear death?  Do any of Socrates’ arguments help you think differently about death? [c] From Plato’s “Republic: The Allegory of the Cave” – Explain how the Allegory of the Cave can be understood as a picture of Socrates’ life and death, as well as a picture of our human situation.  What is the difference between people who won’t let go of their cave-wall-shadows and those who won’t let go of their screened technology?

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Assignment 1: The Plan (700 words minimum) If you are not currently working in a school or university, assume you are a classroom teacher at a level and type of networked school of your choice. Create a plan fora classroom with four networked computers, a computer lab with 25 networked computers,or a portable wireless lab with 25 laptops/netbooks/mobile devices. From information gleaned from course materials and online research. You will present an idea for using computer resources that your workplace has not yet purchased. After identifying the target student audience; grade level, individual, small or large group, etc., use information about technology solutions with high relative advantage for teaching/learning Technology Solutions with Potential for High Relative Advantage (Table 2.7, p. 56 of the text). Is the technology resource for problem-solving, drill and practice, simulation, etc. Discuss how this new technology resource will give students opportunities to gain new content, reinforce and enhance skills through drill and practice, use higher order thinking skills through creation of multimedia, problem solve through simulation etc. Explain the need and rationale for using this resource for diverse learners including accommodations for adaptive and assistive technologies. How does the resource align with it’s district and state curricula and district and state content and technology standards? Then, in paragraph form, use Phases 1 through 3 of the technology integration planning model (Figure 2.8, and Phase 1 – Phase 3 focus, p. 53 of the text), to describe how you would goabout deciding how to integrate the technology into a grade level or subject area classroomactivity.Make sure to include technical and budget sections in which you discuss costs andoutline plans and guidelines to configure software/computer/technology systems in theclassroom cluster and labs to use and share this resource. Discuss scheduling and cost issues.Meet with the school or district technology specialist get information to answer thefollowing questions:.1) How are local mass storage devices and media to store and shareinformation and resources installed? Address relevant issues regarding support personnel andpolicies for selecting, installing, and maintaining wide area networks for the school districtand/or facilitated integration of a WAN in the plan. Mention needed provisions for softwarepackages used to operate a computer network system and/or local area network (LAN).For the technology use you described above, in paragraph form, use Phase 3 of thetechnology integration planning model (Figure 2.8, and Phase 3 focus, p. 63-64 of the text), tooutline a detailed action research plan that will help you determine whether or not yourtechnology use is having the impact you hoped. How will you manage student learning andprogress using this resource? Be sure to include a description of the data to be collected andcollection methods and instruments you would need, as well as the procedures for using themto assess the impact of the technology-based strategy.2) How will this information be shared,and which stakeholders need to be informed? This written plan will be presented to thecurriculum committee for approval.

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