1. You must locate the journal article below and submit your critique using the following: Article Critique Form.doc.

2. The journal article to review can be found in the Troy OnlineGlobal Library: Axelsson, John; Sundelin, Tina; Ingre, Michael; Van Someren; Eus; Olsson, Andreas; et al. Beauty sleep: experimental study on the attractiveness of sleep deprived people. British Medical Journal 341 (JAN 1, 2010). I just accessed the article so I know it is there. Once you have reviewed the article and completed the “article critique form” then submit your critique form .

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Make 2 complete works about the topic

1. Discuss how your current practice may change in the future as a result of your understanding of one particular Essential. (You may choose the Essential you wish to reflect on.) (Essentials I-IX)

each one with more than 100 words. and references( 2 or more and no older than 7 years)

APA 6ed style require

2 or more references and no older than 5-7 years

Make sure include title, abstract, introduction, body or discussion and conclusion in each work but as an small discussion.

Be on time.

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it is a project about an interview profile, I uploaded three examples, prompt, and outline. And my major is computer science, I hope you can find someone’s job is related with computer science, like a CS professor in college. you don’t need to do the real interview, you can make up some interview questions and answers those questions by yourself. please follow the prompt and the outline. Thank you so much.

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I need help writing the introduction, discussion and conclusion in the report for my project

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1) Evaluate the quality of the evidence and interpretation in the assigned paper

2) Describe an experiment on this topic that you would like to see conducted if (note: big leap here!) you did
not have to justify the ethics of the experiment.

Format: 1 page maximum, double spaced.

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Use your own words, explain the difference between (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured decisions)


NO plagiarism, not essay just short answer., Thank you…………………………………………………………………..

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Write a technical report in IoT applications in Healthcare. We need 6-7 articles for the report and should nor be older that 2014.


NOTE: I will provide 6 days of time but I need rough draft with 2-3 articles in 2 days.

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Need MATH 1113 Quiz 2 section 1.5-1.7 completed by 11:59 tonight. Need full points

My Pearson mymathlab login is deriklpj@gmail.com and password Dlmp2012

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Hello, I want you to follow the steps as carefully as you can. Also, My major is Business/Accounting and that’s the topic that you are going to talk about.

Format: 3 pages, double-spaced, typed, #12 font Content:

  1. For the Career Research Paper, choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the career assessments done in the class. Answer these questions:
  2. Describe the career. What are the typical job duties? Why are you interested in this career?
  3. Are certain personality types and skills desired and/or required? How does your personality type match this career or not? Go back to your Do What You Are (DWYA) assessment in CollegeScope.
  4. What are your interest codes for this career? How does your interests and values match this career? Go to Career Cruising.
  5. What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career? What type of environment will you be working in?
  6. What is a typical day, week, month, year? What is the salary or pay? Part time? Full time?
  7. What is the job outlook? Is there a demand or not in this field? How difficult or not difficult is it to gain employment in this career?
  8. What are the educational requirements? Licensures?
  9. What are related majors or majors needed for this career?
  10. What are related occupations for this career? Research other occupations similar that may be of interest.
  11. What are the growth opportunities?
  12. What interesting facts did you discover?
  13. Extra: Find a job advertisement on this career and paste it on a piece of paper or download it from a website (extra)
  14. To research your career, use at least 4 sources of information:
  • Computer
  • Texts, E-books, Articles, Library Research (see Discussion Five for a review of library resources).
  • Informational Interview: It is encouraged you use an interview with a person in your career of interest. Included is a separate sheet that talks about Informational Interviews and possible questions to ask. See handout for Informational Interviewing under Additional Resources below.
  • Career Cruising, Do What You Are (DWYA), and Multiple Intelligence (MI) Assessments you took in class. These will answer a variety of questions.
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ (Links to an external site.)
  • Outlook Quarterly and Career Outlook Publications: https://stats.bls.gov/careeroutlook/ (Links to an external site.)
  1. Include a “Works Cited” listing of the sources you used. At least two sources in the work cited page.

Thank you so much!

I attached two samples that will help you writing this assignment.

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  1. Are lies and truth always black and white, right or wrong, or is there room for more thorough ethical consideration?
  2. What are some common misconceptions of lying in business?

use 2 quotes from the reading each answer should be 2-3 paragraphs

Writing-Format Check List

You should work carefully through the following check list prior to submitting your written responses:

  • My essay is double spaced.
  • My margins are set at 1 inch all the way around
  • My essay is written in Times New Roman font
  • My essay is written in 12 font
  • My essay has page numbers on each page
  • My essays contain paragraphs approximately not more than 4 to 5 sentences
  • My essay contains my name on the right corner of the first page
  • My essay has no cover page or folder
  • My essay’s pages are stapled together
  • My essay does not use the words “feel” or “believe”
  • My essay indents each of its paragraphs
  • My essay does not contain any direct quotations from class lectures
  • My essay contains at least 2 direct quotations from the reading per reading; my quotations follow the directions given in class; my quotations are not longer than 2 sentences and includes the page numbers
  • My essay avoids obvious, basic grammatical errors.
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