This week’s reading includes an article explaining and detailing the line of reasoning called Occam’s Razor.  In your own words explain how you think that the Principle of Plurality and the Principle of Parsimony advance the research process and the application of the scientific method of solving simple or complex problems.  Give an example of how you think each can be applied in a public safety situation.  Don’t get tied up on the complexity but envision how a simple problem is better served with this basic thought process.  Be brief and concise (at least 500 words). *At least 2 References APA format

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Differentiation is one of the most important considerations when preparing a lesson plan for all students. Differentiation guides the teacher in making the instructional modifications required to meet the diverse needs of all students, plan for varying levels of development, and create opportunities for various approaches to learning and performance. This lesson will be focused in the content area of geometry. Part 1: Differentiation Lesson Plan For this assignment, select a K-8 grade level and state standard in the area of geometry and use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to design an original lesson plan. Be sure to examine instructional opportunities that can be adapted to meet the diverse needs of students, create learning environments that foster active engagement through supportive, and design assessments that align to learning objectives and support learning needs. Use the “Class Profile” to differentiate to meet the diverse needs of students. Part 2: Reflection In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on your lesson plan and the differentiation strategies utilized to meet the diverse needs of students. How can technology-enriched learning experiences provide various opportunities to differentiate? How can you collaborate with and incorporate the input, contributions, and knowledge of families, colleagues, and other professionals in order to support the diverse needs of students? Support your reflection with at least two scholarly resources.

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Choose three instructional strategies, using the attached document and journal articles, that you like and have either used or plan to use in the future. Explain the strategy, how it is used (how you used it if applicable), and for what populations this would be most beneficial. The answer must be at least 400 words in the original thread with an in-text citation (f

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Assignment #4: Service Learning Journal Description : Chronicling your experience will allow you to note your growth and progress as you move through the Teacher Education Program. Directions: You will create and maintain a service learning journal that includes a minimum of six (6) entries. Each entry will describe and reflect on the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) as they relate to the service learning and observations at the field site. 1. Create a journal that you will use for the semester to memorialize your experience. a. The first entry in your journal should include an overview and a demographic description of the service learning school site and  any other relevant information about the school that would assist the reader. 2. The remaining entries in your class journal should include the following: a.  School Name/Grade/Date b. Description of the activity/lesson in which you were involved c. People involved in the activity/lesson d. What FEAPs were addressed during the activity/lesson? e. How the activity/lesson relates to the FEAPs f. What is your reaction to the activity/lesson? g. What were the strengths and challenges of the activity/lesson? 3. Each entry must be a minimum of three (3) paragraphs. the service learning project required me to do a total of 15 hours of observation and hands on experience at a school watching a teacher teach. please include the following information when asked to in the directions and rubric. 10/5 from 10:30-1:30 10/12 from 10:30-1:30 10/19 from 10:30-1:30 10/26 from 10:30- 1:30 11/2 from 10:30-1:30 for the lesson plans that are asked about in the assignment, you can come up with one of random as long as it matches the directions. i also observed a 1st grade class so please incorporate that as well.

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Diversity Reflective Response For this week’s assignment, you will watch two videos and write a personal, reflective response (much like a journal entry) – two pages. First, you’ll watch “Why Cultural Diversity Matters” by Michael Gavin. This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Michael Gavin, Associate Professor of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, researches biological diversity and discusses the importance that history, language, and tradition have in the preservation of culture . Second, you’ll watch “Recognizing Individual Characteristics.” In this video, Dorothy Strickland discusses the importance of learning the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of each of your students. After you have watched both videos, you will write a reflective response to them. Reflective writing is a great way to process what you’ve read and develop your understanding of the text. You are able to clarify your thoughts on what you have read or viewed, solidify your reactions to and opinions on the text, and organize your thoughts. As you respond, you will question, relate, and interpret information to gain new understandings. Be sure to reference the videos and other readings for this session in your response. Keep in mind that this type of writing is more informal than an essay. Some describe it as “stream of consciousness.”

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Week 1 – Assignment I Will Be A Great Educator Analyze the qualities of a teacher or educator that were discussed in the “ Teacher vs Educator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ” article.  Evaluate yourself and explain the qualities you possess that will make you a great educator. The “I Will Be a Great Educator” assignment Must be 1 to 2 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must use at least 1 scholarly source. You can use the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources chart to help you determine a proper scholarly source. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . Here is a tutorial for in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . Must include a separate reference slide that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Use the APA References List page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to help you with this task. Here is a link to the APA Reference List template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. located on that page. For help setting up your paper in APA style, please use the APA paper template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. provided by the Ashford Writing Center. To assist you in completing the library research required for this assignment, view this Quick ‘n’ Dirty tutorial (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , which introduces the Ashford Library, the research process, and provides some library search tips. (Ashford University Library. (n.d). Quick ‘n’ Dirty [Video file]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ) Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Assignment: Assignment – Part 1: In this assignment, you are the game show host for the Diversity game (attached PowerPoint). Gather two or three friends or family members as contestants. If you have more, divide them into two groups. Use a piece of paper to keep score and print the second page of the presentation to mark which questions were incorrectly answered. 1. Open the PowerPoint Diversity game. Start the Slideshow to begin. Read these instructions to the teams: One person (or team) will randomly be selected to choose the first question category and level. Once a question is read aloud, all person (or team) will debate the answer. One team will raise a hand or use his or her assigned team noisemaker when the team is ready to answer. I will call on the first team to respond. If they answer correctly, they will receive the number of points indicated, and they will choose the next question category and level. If their answer is incorrect, I will call upon the second team and so on. In the event that no team answers the question correctly, I will give the correct response. The team that chose last still has control of the board and should choose the next question. Scores will be recorded and the winner announced at the end of the round. There will be one round of 25 questions (or two rounds of 25 questions each if you also play Double Diversity). 2. Once you have the “board” displayed, and the first team has selected their question, click one of the cells to reveal a question. 3. To return to the main board, click on the “Diversity” icon in the lower right corner of the screen. 4. If the game is close, use the Double Diversity board.  To advance to the Double Diversity board, click the logo in the top-right (above “The Amazing Race”) of the main game board. This will take you to the Double Diversity! board (Board 2). After playing the game, discuss with the contestants why they believe they missed some of the questions. Write a 500-word essay that evaluates the game play, your thoughts on why questions were correctly and incorrectly answered, and what you learned from the game. Assignment – Part 2: Select three of the following five prompts.  Write a response of at least 300 words for each of the three prompts: What was one of your earliest experiences concerning race? Describe the experience, how you felt, and how the experience was handled. If you could rewrite that experience, how would you change it and/ or how it was handled? Explain the concept of “best practice” and what it means in the context of diversity strategy. What are the challenges of developing and implementing best practices? What are the potential benefits? What are some of the ways that Pitney Bowes has aligned its goals for diversity with a market-driven approach to meeting its customers’ needs? Be specific. What is/are the common theme(s) between the Bowman exercise and the Miner article? Review the author’s list of 46 examples of white privilege. Critically evaluate which of these indicate white privilege and which might be artifacts of other forces (market forces, personal choice, etc.). Submit both Assignments in the same document. Assignment Expectations: Length: 1400-1750 words (5-7 pages); answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner Structure:

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According to Kirk (2016), The essence of “Formulating Your Brief” is to “identify the context in which your work will be undertaken and then define its aims: it is the who, what, where, when and how.” It could be formal or informal as any project you think you must make it. This phase is where you create a vision for your work. Reference Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd. Why is it so important to formulate your brief for a data presentation? Discuss some ways you would implement to formulate an effective brief. What are some advantages to your methods? What are some disadvantages?

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Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.Spend time observing lessons in your field experience classroom. Focus your observation on Lesson Delivery and Review and Assessment.Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class. Assess at least one lesson using the SIOP checklist from Appendix A in the textbook.Include a 250-word reflection regarding at least one of the lessons that you observed. Address the following questions in your reflection: 1. Were the students aware of the class language and content objectives? 2. How did the teacher instruct the content and language objectives? 3. What types of strategies, interactions, applications, and assessments were implemented? 4. How did the teacher accommodate for different ELP levels? Submit a copy of one of your completed checklists along with your reflection to your instructor in LoudCloud. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Document the locations and hours that you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to LoudCloud in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.

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Write a  550 to 1,050 word paper in which you analyze your experiences as a  member of at least one team: sports teams, Learning Teams, and so forth;  and one small group: family, friendship circles, work relationships,  and so forth. Answer the following questions: Who were the participants of the team and the group? How was each formed? Is this typical for team and group formations? Explain. What differences were there between theteam and the group dynamics? Why? How might these experiences be different for a virtual team or  group? What unique characteristics are there for a virtual team or  group? In each team and group, how did members take on roles? What norms were developed in the team and group? How did these develop? Explain. Were there status differences within the team and the group? Why or why not? What effect did this have on the group performance? Identify at least three interpersonal needs as noted by Maslow and  Schutz (as cited in Beebe & Masterson, 2015) that were met through  the team or group experiences. Explain why the team or group experiences  met these needs. What is your overall impression of working in teams and small groups?

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